9. Wes

936 Words

Chapter 9 Wes Outside, Jamie heads toward Mirror Lake, and I follow him. How many times have I run this loop with him? A hundred, at least. “Remember that summer when we said we’d do five miles a day, no matter what?” I ask. He’s put us on an easy pace as we head away from the dormitory. “Sure do.” “Then we had that hot day with two practices and weightlifting. But you said, ‘We still have to do the run, or the summer won’t count.’” I snort just thinking about it. “Nobody told you to eat that ice cream cone first.” “I was starved. Of course, I haven’t been able to order pistachio since.” Jamie snickers as we turn toward the lake. “Light green puke all over the lawn.” “Good times.” They were, though. I’d yarf on the grass every day if it meant I could go back to the easy times. Cha

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