37. Wes

2708 Words

Chapter 37 Wes My first practice is brutal, but that’s how I like it. Coach Harvey starts us off with a crossover drill designed to strengthen our ability to accelerate on curves, and it only takes five seconds for me to fully grasp that I’m in the big leagues now. Nope, you’re not in college anymore, Dorothy. This is a whole new level of intensity, and I’m sweating my balls off as I weave in and out of traffic, changing directions on Coach’s whim. Pushing myself to keep up with players who’ve trained together for much longer than the five minutes I’ve been with them. And it just picks up in intensity from there, but I’m cool with that. This is all I have. This is the choice I’ve made. Playing the best hockey I can will be the focus of my life for the next several years. By the time w

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