No More Secrets

3664 Words

(Isabella) My ears rang, I felt my stomach plummet, and my heart was going to thud out of my chest, I knew it. “Isabella?” She sounded far away, I was swimming again. I couldn’t really hear her, couldn’t see her. I snapped my eyes shut when the ceiling started to spin. “Isabella,” she repeated and her warm hand came to my forehead, “S.hit.” I tried to move my hand so she knew I was still in here, even if I didn’t want to be. A war was waging through me, more intense than anything I’ve been dealing with recently, anything that I have ever dealt with. I felt like all the air was taken from me. My breath was labored, I couldn’t breathe. I needed to find air somewhere. I f.orced myself to open my eyes and flipped out of bed. I had to get to the bathroom. I fell to the floor once I got

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