
1552 Words

(Isabella) Terror consumed me, he wasn’t supposed to be back, he wasn’t supposed to be here. The logical part of my brain was telling me this was off, this was wrong. Why would he lie about being gone? This was worse than I thought. I felt for the phone in my back pocket, assessing the few feet to the door. I could maybe make a run for it. I should try. Something kept me still. Paralyzed. “Where oh where have you been, Isabella?” Rodney walked from the shadows, the black flames dancing in his gray eyes, “Don’t dare lie. I already know.” I gulped. I couldn’t say anything, I didn’t have anything to say at this moment. “Now that you’re done with those dogs,” He chuckled darkly, his voice devoid of all emotion, “You had your fun, now it's time you came back to me.” He took a few ste

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