Shattered and Repaired

2130 Words

(Lucas) She looked, I mean words couldn’t describe it. I hated to admit that I didn’t notice the darkness that surrounded her when I first met her, the tightness in her movements that were meant to seem casual. I was so enveloped in my own emotions when I met her, the moment I realized that she was my mate was the same moment that I realized that the person I was mistakenly falling for and thought was my future, wasn't. In the past few days she seemed to slip away from that and turn into, who I was only assuming, was her true self. She oozed a sort of self-assured confidence that I spent years perfecting. It seemed natural to her and it suited her. That dark red dress, holy f.uck. I swallowed, having to keep it together, trying not to undress her with my eyes. It fit her perfectly, h

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