I Know What This Is

2137 Words

(Isabella) I woke up feeling better than I had in I couldn’t remember when, maybe ever. I looked over and Lucas was gone but a note was in his place on top of a new phone box. I swear, this guy just must have iPhones laying around. I would repay him, I just needed to figure out how. Text me when you wake up, I went to do some work but we can get breakfast. “Knock knock, sunshine.” Charlotte strolled in wearing Sam’s shirt. “I could get used to this wake-up call.” I teased, “Good night?” She jumped on the bed, “Great night. Sam is just-” She flopped on her back, “Everything.” “What is that?” I turned over her neck, “S.hit, Charlotte are you okay?” She had some kind of red mark on her neck. She turned her head and covered it before I could get a good look. Her face turned red.

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