Chapter 5: Winnie

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Ugh! That arrogant ass. How dare he act like he cares now! I've spent so long being invisible that I'm starting to think that I had the right idea before showing up to that stupid party dressed like that. I'm seriously starting to think that my brother and father might have been right. I've been around Parker thousands of times since him and my brother met freshman year. I honestly thought it would be the same routine this morning. I would go on my run, and Parker would run by ignoring me as usual. I had no idea until today that he never realized it was me. I was never important enough to be on his radar. Well, apparently, until today. Hence why I'm thinking my dad and brother are right. Is Parker only noticing now because he's seeing parts of me he had never seen before? Clearly, my personality wasn't enough for him. Sure, we've talked more now that we are living together. It's more than we ever have in the last two years of knowing each other. He even came to my house for Christmas last year, and we barely talked. This whole thing is just so weird and new to me. I was supposed to meet with some guy named Trevor Doxy in the library. Apparently, he has to retake his anatomy course after failing last year due to extreme partying. That's why im meeting up with him before classes even start. My advisor said he is a smart guy. He just lost his way. I showered and dressed casually in ripped baggy jeans and a gray crop top. I put on my favorite pair of vans and grabbed a burgundy and black flannel to put over it. I left my hair down and grabbed my reading glasses. Besides the crop top, this was something that I would wear often. I guess I can't fully get away from who i used to be. I grew comfortable with it. I used it for security. It just never was really me. I came out of my room to see Parker cooking something in the kitchen. I was hoping that I wouldn't run into him again this morning. I placed my flannel and book bag on the counter. He turned around, holding a spatula. "I was hoping you would still be here. Do you want any, I'm an asshole pancake's and a side of calling it truce?" I couldn't help but smirk. He's such an i***t. "I'm not sure if I want to taste your asshole pancakes, but I can say that we're fine, Parker. We don't have to do the thing." He looked confused. "What thing?" "You know the thing where you feel obligated to apologize because of my brother and the fact that were roommates, and I won't pretend to think that you actually care. I promise we're fine, but I really do have to go." He turned the burner off and wouldn't look at me now. His voice was cold and distant. Back to his old self. "Where are you headed to?" "Not that it's any of your business, but I have a tutoring session today." I watched his back tense up through his sleevless top. It was still sweaty from his run. His muscles just made it that much more obvious. "You don't have to lie to me, Winnie. If you're going on a date or something, you know that I'm cool with it." Yup, he's still being an ass. A big Ole ass. "Im tutoring like I said. I have no reason to lie to you. If you don't believe me, feel free to follow me. I'm not hiding anything, Parker.... Not anymore." I pulled on my flannel and book bag. I went ahead and put my glasses on. "I'll see you later, Parker." He waved the spatula in the air. I think it was meant to be a wave. I know I upset him. He wasn't exactly trying very hard to cover it up. He just had no right. I guess Parker didn't like a taste of his own medicine. The library was only a few buildings away from our apartment. When finding our apartment, my dad made it very clear to my brother that it needed to be as close as possible to where I was tutoring. I often tutor at night, and my dad is paranoid that something will happen to me. I can't exactly blame him after what almost happened to me in high school. My dad made my brother, and I swear to him that if I tutored past eight that I would call my brother to walk me home. I made the promise to make him happy, but there was part of me that was relieved. I didn't like the idea of being alone just as much as he didn't. Years have passed, and I like to tell myself I'm over it. For the most part, I am. But I have my days just like everyone else. It could have been so much worse than what it was, and my brother just about lost his spot on the team. I just can't picture my brother not playing college ball, and it would have been all my fault. I got to the library quickly. I was eager to get inside and shake off the awful memories of my past. Memories that have been creeping up more here lately than they have in a very long time. The library was dead. As i suspected it to be. Classes haven't even started yet. Most students are absorbing their last bit of freedom. When I saw the name Trevor Doxy on my tutoring list, I wasn't expecting to know him Well, not know-know him. We've actually never spoken. His face was just familiar. He was in my class when I had taken it. I didn't pay much attention to him then. I just noticed him coming and going from class. He was always the last kid in class and the first one to leave. I think that's why I noticed him in the first place and why I recognize him now. In a class of over three hundred students, it's hard to notice every person. This is why i am fully prepared that he won't have any idea who I am. He was the only other person in the library, so I knew it had to be him. His dirty blonde hair was styled to the side. He was wearing a hoodie with the school logo on it and a pair of gray sweats. He seemed to be more muscular than I remember. Almost built like an athlete. As far as I know, he wasn't one. I stood on the other side of the table from him. I was just about to introduce myself when he beat me to the punch. "Winnie, it's so good to see you. I appreciate you tutoring me. I owe you big time." Wait, he knows my name? " It's really no problem. It is my job, after all." He came around the table and pulled out my chair for me. It felt weird to have a guy do such a kind gesture. I wasn't used to it. "Thanks." He gave me his million dollar smile that I'm sure made a few panties drop. He had this play boy vibe I was picking up. I guess what college guy doesn't have a play boy vibe about them? "No problem. I'm just happy that the tutoring director gave me you. When I saw your name I was relieved because we took the class together before. You always knew all the answers when called on. I sat a few seats above you. I've never seen anyone be able to focus the way that you do. It's impressive." I felt stunned. He knew exactly who I was, and it wasn't because of my brother or my dad. I was even more confused. I never thought my focus was that great. "What do you mean?" He laughed. "My point exactly. A kid a few seats down from you was hung over and ended vomiting his entire stomach contents all over himself and the girl in front of him. You were so lost in the assignment that you didn't even notice the area clear out, and the clean-up crew came in. The teacher even gave us a choice to leave or stay and work on the assignment. I stayed mostly because you intrigued me." I intrigued him? All because I was doing my school work? This is insane. I felt a blush creeping up. "Yeah, I remember the class being empty. I just never knew why. I guess I didn't care to ask either. I'm surprised you stayed. You were always the first one bolting to the door." He sat back in his chair and was smirking at me. "So you noticed me too?" He's being a flirt. "I guess I did." The way he was looking me knew this boy was up to no good. I pulled out a few books. "Why dont we get started and review the basics?"
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