Chapter 18: The Secret Mission

916 Words

The journey was very long and tiring. Although Grandma was very active and strong for her age, by the time she arrived at her destination, her body was in need of a great sleep and a warm meal. She knocked on the door of a wooden shack in the woods, in a city a bit far from where she had left. A tall black man opened the door, revealing a room full of people. There were women and men gathered on the couch, the chairs and standing, all of them looking at the door. At her. “Good evening, Cora. Long time no see.” the man said. He had a very strong English accent. “Oh, that’s a name I haven’t heard in years.” she smiled. “How are you, Clifford?” she gave him a very maternal hug. “Very happy to see you.” he stated making way for her to pass. “Ah, you are all here already.” Grandma said

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