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YUNIFER'S POV My lips twitched as I looked at them as if they were a fool. "What the hell are you talking about? Is this a prank or something? You don't look like a clown so there's no need for me to laugh you know." I said fearlessly as I stood up. Just when I was about to walk away when I heard them snicker. "So what's up with that reaction after knowing that we're your mate? Do you think that someone like us would want you as our mate?" With the way he spoke those words, I could already guess who it is. It was none other than Drake who had some problems with his head. As if! I turned my back and faced them. Even Lawrence was looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. Just looking at them made my blood boil. I ignored the discomfort that I felt around my heart as I glared at them. "Aren't you three a bit too narcissistic? Do you think that I, too would want you as my mate?" I said while glaring at them. Yes, that's right. Who would be in the right mind to want them? To want someone who also wants my downfall? Do you want me to be with these triplets? No f*****g hell! Despite that, I couldn't help but be disappointed. Ishid snickered and looked at me with the eyes of looking at a cockroach. "Don't be too high of yourself just because we are your mate. We don't want you to be our mate." "We, the Ferrer would want to reject you as our Luna. You don't deserve to be our Luna and we don't want you to be our Luna as well. It would be embarrassing for the Crescent Moon Pack to have Luna like you." It was Drake who said those cruel words while looking me in the eyes. I felt a pang in my heart. Although it's not like I want to be their mate or something but there was something in my heart that made me suffocate after listening to their words. The three Alpha triplets were looking at me without any expression in their eyes as if they were looking at a stranger rather than their mate. Funnily. I couldn't understand why I would be sad after rejecting me. It wasn't that I wanted to be with them but strangely... I don't know anymore. But of course, I don't want them to know that I was sad and disappointed that they rejected me. After all, they are bullies. They are the ones who picked up a fight and embarrassed me on campus. There's no way that I would also be with them. It's not like I'm having Stockholm Syndrome toward them or something. I lifted my head and looked at them with confidence. I gave them my sweetest yet polite smile as I calmly answered them as if I don't care about what they just said to me. As if it was none of my business. "Thank you for your rejection. It was a good thing for me and it benefited me after knowing that you all rejected me as your mate especially since I am a human and I don't believe in something like mates or so. Given the way you three gang up on me and embarrassed me on the campus to the point that you hurt me, it was a relief that I won't be tied with the three of you. Who knows what would happen to me if I became your so-called Luna? Again, thank you so much for your rejection. I hope I will never meet you again and if we happen to cross paths, please pretend that you don't know that I'm your mate. I also rejected the three of you to be my Alphas." I sweetly said as I turned my back and left their jaws hanging. Indeed. Why would I be sad over something like this? They are bullies. If they can hurt others, they can also hurt me. The way my mother did to me. My werewolf mother. Those three Alphas are also werewolves. Who knows what they can and can't do to me? Given their attitude and their first impression, they might hurt me or something if I would hinder their plan or I won't obey them. Now that I have regained my freedom, I don't want to be controlled and used again. There's no way in hell I will accept to be their mate. Regardless of this suffocating emotion in my heart, I still left them hanging there. After all, there was no need for me to continue bickering with them since what was left was them, rejecting me as their Luna. Wait, why do I sound bitter? Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took my phone and saw the unknown number as the caller. I don't know why but I suddenly felt not good about this. Even if I don't want to answer this call, my instincts were telling me to pick up the phone call. I hesitated for a second before I pressed the green button and answered the call. "Hello, this is Yunifer speaking. May I ask who are you?" I calmly asked that I could hear the loud thump of my heart. Sure enough, I could feel that something is going on and it is not good news. "Oh, this lady is called Yunifer? What a beautiful name." The other caller said teasingly. I could hear the background noises behind the caller who was laughing after hearing the caller's tease. What the hell do they want? "May I ask why the sudden call?" I remained polite despite the throb in my heart. I don't know why but I felt not assured. Did something happen? The laughter on the other side died. "Hmm, it's not that much but I want you to come to the abandoned building near the alley. It should be you alone and don't dare to tell anyone about our conversation right now or else you'll have to suffer from the consequences." Suffer from the consequences? What is he talking about? "W-What are you talking about? What if I won't comply with your wishes? It's not like I owe you or something right?" I got the courage to ask and swallowed my fears and turned deaf to the loud throb in my heart. Suddenly, his voice turned cold and it was full of threats when he said the following words. "So you really won't come? Heh, you better not regret it." After he said those words, he called off the phone, making me flustered. What... what was that? Who was that? What is he trying to do? I gritted my teeth as I couldn't help but feel nervous. I don't feel really good right now. Suddenly, my phone vibrated again making me flustered as I immediately answered the phone without looking at the caller. "What do you want? What do you want me to do and who the hell—" Before I could finish the following words when it was cut off by a panicked voice. "Is this the guardian of Asher Sarmiento? Asher disappeared from school! I've been trying to find him all over the school yet I couldn't find him!" Hearing those words, I stiffened. I couldn't move from my spot. It was as if a cold bucket of water poured onto me. It was like my whole world stopped. My heart couldn't stop beating. I felt suffocated. I felt dizzy. I gritted my teeth as I tried hard to be normal and act normal. "W-When was it the last time you saw him?" I asked while my voice couldn't help but quivered. Tears start to form under my eyes. "It has been ten minutes ever since I found out that he was gone. I asked his classmates and said that they didn't see him. Asher had been isolating himself from anyone. Although he would interact with others it felt like he was putting a barrier between him and them." It was Asher's teacher who said those while amid tears. I pursed my lips. "I-I got it. I'll get back to you once I find him." After I said that, I immediately ended the call and called the unknown number who called me earlier. "As expected! I've been waiting for your call!" It was that heavy hoarse voice said with a hysterical tone. "Where is my brother? Where is Asher?" I coldly asked. "Heh, if you want to see him, come to the place I've provided. I'm sure you already know where that place is and just to remind you again, don't even think of bringing someone else to help you, or else I would slit the throat of your brother." He said with a threatening tone. "I would comply with your wishes only if you won't hurt him." I coldly said as I clenched my phone while gritting my teeth from anger. Suddenly, my anger snapped when I heard such a familiar voice from the background. "Sister! Don't come! I'm fine—happy...." My eyes narrowed as veins started to bulge on my forehead. "Don't dare to touch my brother!" I angrily shouted from the other line. "Then better come early or you'll find your brother's corpse...pfft..." After he said that, he ended the call. I clenched my jaws as I punched the nearest wall to unleash my anger. I'll kill him! I'll kill him! If I see even a small scar on my brother's body, I will make them pay! I rushed my way and didn't even bother to apologize when I stumbled upon someone's arm. However, that person caught my arm and stopped me from making my blood boil. I face this person and glare. "Get your hands off me if you don't want me to cut it off." After I said that, I slapped its hands from grabbing my arms and immediately rushed my way towards the abandoned building where that motherfuckers provided. When I arrived in front of the abandoned building, I saw such familiar faces. It was those gangsters who bullied a black wolf. "It's a pleasure to see you again." One of them said while smiling from ear to ear. I glared at them. "Where is my brother?" Suddenly, my stomach felt pain. When I looked down, I found myself being thrown onto the ground as they kicked my stomach. "You're getting cocky, aren't you? You're just a woman! How dare you look at us like that! A mere human like you should be our slave!" One of them angrily said as he kicked me again, making me grit my teeth from the pain. Just when they were about to kick me again when one of them stopped the one who kicked me. "Stop it. Our boss wants to see her. It won't be good if you kill her immediately without tasting her." Disgusting. It seemed that it brought him back to his senses and dragged me inside the building where the so-called boss of them was currently in. My whole body trembled upon seeing Asher's small body, being tied to a chair while there was a wound on his cheeks. "What have you done to him?!" I angrily shouted as I punched and kicked the one who was holding my hair and rushed in my direction toward my unconscious brother. Before my hand could reach him, my body slammed into the floor. The red liquid keeps on dripping down my mouth but I couldn't care less. My eyes were reddened with anger as I raised my head and looked at the boss... the one who called me and kidnapped my brother. "W... What do you want?" I hoarsely said while coldly looking up at him while I was choking up from tears. Hearing my words, the boss smirked as his face was filled with satisfaction. He bent down to his knees and his hand lifted my chin while looking at me in my eyes. I tried to slap his hand but ended up being slapped by him, making me hiss from the pain. "Sleep with me."
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