2215 Words

THIRD PERSON POV Sahara's gaze remained cold despite that she was being seen through by the Alpha King who had a smug look. “Yes, I regained some of my memories. That's why you should stop trying to capture me. Even if you can capture me, you won't ever bring back the life of your wife. After all, she had already been long dead.” Sahara coldly said while looking at him. Drake, on the other hand, was slightly stunned when he saw that the Alpha King and Sahara knew each other. Even the Alpha King knows that Sahara had lost her memories and that Yunifer was a wolf, not a human. The Alpha King sneered at her. “I can bring her back as long as you can cooperate with me.” Hearing this, Sahara snickered. “What if I don't? You used such a cruelest way to torture Yunifer, my other half. Why do

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