1774 Words

YUNIFER'S POV A smile formed on my lips, a genuine one as I glanced at the three whose eyes were filled with worries while they were comforting me. I couldn't help but feel warmth around my heart. The kind of warmth that I long for. The kind of warmth that I never experienced ever since my family died. “Then we will not gonna impregnate you.” Ishid solemnly said while his face was filled with seriousness. I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I teased him. “Then that's good. You all should stop sleeping with me, least to impregnate me.” When they heard this, they immediately shook their head and answered hurriedly. “No way! That's not going to happen!” They disagreed while pursing their lips. Seeing them like this almost made me look at them as if I were talking to a child. Tsk. Wh

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