Chapter 6: Plan

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*Giuliana’s POV*   Aileen and I are still sitting in our seats at the corner of the room while she’s enjoying the music and slightly banging her head in the air.   “Hey, Giul do you want some drinks?” Aileen asked and I looked at her and noticed her sweats dripping from her right temple, she’s smiling at me yet I can still sense her nervousness as the PBI officers are now sitting just beside the couch that we are sitting on.   “Yeah, that will be great,” I answered her while controlling my laughter.   “Alright, how about some mojito?” she inquired and I just shrugged my shoulder at her, implying that whatever she chooses is fine with me.   “Alright, I’ll be back,” she said and stood up from her seat, then she stepped out of our mini private space.   “Hey, Aileen!” I called out her name loudly, and I’m pretty sure the men besides our couch heard me. Aileen immediately turned around and glared at me which made me laugh because she’s too nervous about our situation right now.   “Grab some chips and nuts too,” I reminded her and she just rolled her eyes at me before she turned around and started walking towards the bar counter.   The music inside this bar is so loud yet I can still hear the men besides our couch talking about their job at the PBI office. All of them are not wearing their police uniforms, but I know they still have their badge inside their wallets or pockets.   I fixed my position and focused my hearing on what they are talking about while acting like I was waiting for my friend to come back from the bar counter or just simply looking around and observing everyone as they grind their hips with other customers.   “Dude that hotel was closed for a week due to its customer's complains,” one of the PBI officers spoke. I noticed that he has blonde hair and a white skin tone. I’m guessing he has some foreign blood mixed in him.   “Well, who wouldn’t complain if your f*cking session was disturbed by a fire alarm,” another PBI officer joked and the others laughed with him, I even noticed Chief Lazano chuckling while shaking his head as he listens to his men’s conversations, but ever since they arrived here, I haven’t seen him started an informal conversation with his men.   I guess the rumors about him being serious and stern personality are true. I thought to myself while looking at Aileen who is now talking to a man whom I have never met before but base on how comfortable Aileen with him, I think she knew the guy, so I just shrugged my shoulders and just observed the two of them while still listening to the PBI officers.   “Hey, Chief! Come on, share your thoughts about that last mission in the hotel,” a black PBI officer called out their chief so I listened more to what he’s about to say.   “Ah,” Chief  Lazano uttered and rubbed his nape.   “Wait, let me guess, you’re still thinking about how to capture Agent X, am I right?” another man guessed. I think he’s Half Japanese or Half Korean, base on the shape of his eyes.   “Yeah,” Lazano admitted and I secretly smirked at that.   “Oh, chief, don’t think too much about that woman, she’ll be captured soon,” a Filipino middle-aged guy said and pat the back of their chief.   “Yeah, I hope so,” Chief Lazano agreed and drank his glass of water. I also grabbed mine and took a sip. Every table in this bar has a pitcher of ice-cold water and two clean glasses.   “Okay, enough with that work and tasks talks, let’s order our drinks now and hit some freaking gorgeous women,” a playboy officer suggested and most of them agreed, except for two, the middle-aged man and the PBI Chief. All of those officers who agreed stood up from their seats and stepped out of their mini-space.   “Yow, chief, don’t tell me you’ll just stay here stuck in a couch like Marcos here?” the playboy officer asked while pointing at the middle-aged man who’s named Marcos. I saw a glimpse of the chief nodding his head and smiling at what his subordinate said.   “Alright, suit yourself chief, but here’s a tip from yours truly. You must enjoy your freedom as long as it lasts chief, o else you won’t be able to dive into different caves anymore once you are married already, just like Marco,” the playboy guy said and laughed before leaving and walking towards the bar counter where their other officemates are.   “That mother*cker,” I overheard Marco commented.   “Hey Giul, I’m back, and here’s your drink,” Aileen suddenly pops up in front of me with the guy that she was talking with earlier, standing behind her. I unintentionally raised my eyebrow at Aileen and she just winked at me before turning around and leaving with the guy.   “Hey! Wait! Are you just going to leave me here!?” I called her but she just kept walking with the guy, and maybe because the music was too loud too, that she didn’t hear me anymore. I just sighed and just picked up the glass of mojito, then took a sip. After having a taste of my drink, I put it back on the table, but then, I noticed a pair of black shoes standing at the entrance of my mini-space, so I looked up at the man standing there and saw a waiter carrying a glass of orange juice.   “Hi, there! Here’s a glass of fresh juice for the beautiful lady over here,” he greeted and I just smiled innocently at him before thanking him and taking the glass of fresh orange juice. “Uhm, how much is this?” I asked.   “Oh don’t worry about it ma’am, it’s for free, especially for our first timers,” the waiter said and left. I’m not that stupid to just drink a random juice from some stranger, I know something is mixed up in this glass, besides I noticed a pair of guys looking in my direction when that waiter gave me this glass, so I’m guessing that it was from them, but I did not let them noticed that I knew already who this came from.   I just stared at the glass of orange juice when an idea popped into my mind.   This is going to be a very dangerous idea but, if the rumors are true about you Chief Lazano, you will never let a woman stay in this place, alone, and vulnerable. I thought and stared at the glass of juice.   “Well, it’s for free,” I said, a little louder, then I drank all the juice in the glass.   Well, it tastes good, and for now, I’ll just wait for the drug to take effect. Oh, I hope this works. I thought to myself.   After five minutes of just sitting and observing from my seat, I suddenly felt a bit dizzy, and my vision started to blur.   The hell is in that juice!? I thought as I massaged my right temple. Then, I noticed a man speaking to me, he’s a bit blurry but I know he’s one of those men I saw looking at me earlier when the waiter gave that juice to me.   “Hey, miss, are you alright?” the man asked.   “Huh? Uhm…who are you?” I asked him in return. My head is spinning and I am feeling a bit hot.   “You look like you’re not okay so I’ll just take you to your car now. It’s too dangerous for someone like you to be staying in this place,” the man said and grabbed my right hand, then he pulled me upwards. With my current state, I couldn’t fight back at all, so he was able to pull me out of the mini-space that I occupied.   D*mn it, Lazano! This plan is to have you helped me out of this situation! So help me out already! I thought to myself and tried to look in the chief’s direction but he’s not in his seat.   Oh sh*t! Where the hell did he go!?   This f*ck boy was able to drag me out of the bar already and into the parking lot, and then, there, I saw the chief walking his way back to the bar, and he's going to pass by us. My vision is a bit blurry and my head is spinning already, but with all the strength I have left, I pulled away from the man dragging me and I bumped myself into the PBI Chief, good thing he was able to catch me just before I collapsed on the cold ground.   “Woah! Miss, are you alright?” I heard the chief asked as I leaned my head to his broad chest, but then the man who dragged me out butted in.   “Hey dude, that’s my girl so f*ck off,” the man said. He grabbed my hand again and tried to pull me away from the chief but I fought back.   “No….I…I d-don’t know you,” I uttered, hoping that the chief heard me.   “Come on now,” the man insisted.   “She said she do not know you, so leave her be,” I heard Chief Lazano’s voice and God! He sounds like a f*cking greek God.   “Back off man, I got that woman first,” the man replied.   I shook my head and grabbed the shirt of the chief. I clung to him as if my life depends on him.   More like my plan, depends on him. I thought and grabbed his shirt tighter.   “Please…I don’t want…to go with him…I don’t…know him…please,” I begged and buried my face in his chest.   “Give me that wo~” the man was about to shout when others came and stopped them.   D*mn it! I’m too weak now. I thought as I try my best to stay awake.   “Chief what’s going on here?” I heard a man’s voice.   “Hey, dude! Come on! Just leave the woman there!” I overheard another man’s voice, probably the other guy who planned to take me after drinking that f*cking juice.   “Dude come on, he’s the PBI Chief you d*mb*ss! Come on!” the man added then I heard footsteps running away. As the footsteps are fading away, so did my consciousness, and just like what I expected, I passed out.   *CHIEF LAZANO’S POV*   “Please…I don’t want…to go with him…I don’t…know him…please,” the woman who suddenly collapsed in my arms, spoke and grabbed into my shirt. I stared at her face and noticed her pale look.   Was she sick? Then why is she here in the middle of the night? I asked myself then I heard the man who was dragging this woman, shouted at me so I looked at him and give him a warning look, then my men suddenly came and started asking questions.   “Chief what’s going on here? And who’s that chick?” Officer Luke asked.   “I don’t know,” I answered the I felt the woman’s weight, and I knew she has passed out, so I carried her in a bridal style, and looked at my men who are now, smirking at me.   “What?” I asked them, but none of them answered.   “Chief do you want me to take that woman to her house?” Luke offered, and I was about to agree but then I felt the woman’s hand still grabbing my shirt, plus the fact that Luke is a total playboy, I don’t think I can entrust him with this fragile woman.   “No, I’ll take her to her house. I’ll use my car.” I replied and turned my back on them.   “Ohhh!!!” I heard them saying but I did not bother looking back anymore.   “Enjoy chief!” I heard Hiro’s voice.   Enjoy with what exactly? I thought to myself as I walked towards my car.   “Be safe chief!” Luke shouted in a loud voice followed by peals of laughter.   “*ssholes,” I replied and opened the door from the passenger seat of my car, then I carefully slid the unconscious woman in and put on her seatbelt, before closing the door and moving to the driver’s seat.   As soon as I had my seatbelt, I started the engine of my car and drove away from the bar. While driving on the highway, I realized that I do not know the address of this woman so I tried to wake her up but it was no good. Then, I carefully searched around her pockets to look for a wallet or ID but I found none.   “Tsk! I guess I have no other choice but to take you back home,” I whispered and took a glimpse of the sleeping woman in the passenger’s seat.   I admit she is a beauty and a hot one that is. I thought to myself but I shook that away and just focused on driving.   After half an hour, I parked my car in my garage and carefully took the woman out of the car, and carried her inside my house. As soon as I closed the door of my house, she started squirming, like she’s in pain or something, so I quickly get her into my room and gently put her down on my bed.   Then I suddenly heard her moan, and f*ck! That is the sexiest moan I have ever heard in my entire s*x life.   “Shut up Zac. Don’t take advantage of a woman’s weakness,” I reminded myself and placed a blanket over her. I was about to leave the room when I heard her spoke so I turned around and saw her removing the blanket I just put on her.   “H-Hot…Help,”   “H-Help…please…i-it’s too hot…please,” I heard her begged again which is a bit weird so I walked towards her and observed her body temperature and all that she’s saying about. And I noticed that her body temperature is high, her cheeks are flushed red, her lips are moist, and then she tried to remove her clothes.   “The hell is wrong with you woman!? Stop tempting me!” I hissed as I tried to stopped her from what she’s doing.   “H-Hot…I’m…drugged…please…help’s h-hot…please,” she said as she looked at me, her eyes begging for something which I know that I wanted to do now, but I also do not want to take advantage of here.   “Please…I d-don’t like this…. Please take it,” she said and grabbed my left hand then she places it on top of her right br*st.   D*mn!
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