Chapter 42: VIP Auction Part 1

1554 Words

*GIULIANA’S POV* While walking towards the private room, I noticed that Glen is being accompanied by a female staff wearing a yellow bunny mask which made me raised my eyebrow. The group of Helios never wear anything else aside from masks with faces or just plain yellow masks, so who is this yellow bunny girl? I questioned in my mind as I looked at the bunny girl while still walking in silence. “Hubby, do you kno~ Ouch!” I yelped as someone bumped into me, which made me stumbled, and good thing Zac was fast enough to catch me. “Oh, my apologies, My Lady. I am not looking in front of me,” the man wearing a red and black mask apologized as he bowed in front of me. Then, when he looked up to face me, I noticed the familiar scar in his jawline. He has a sutured wound in his jawline, and I

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