Chapter 2

1324 Words
Vivian Melvin Mom went to her room to bathe, while I went to the kitchen to serve out our dinner. I wasn't still happy with mom's statement about our new neighbors or with her warning me to abstain from them. But I decided not to allow that to worry me. I served out the delicious yam and fried eggs that I had prepared, and soon mom stepped out and walked to the dining room to join me for dinner as the night had fallen. "When are you resuming school?" Mom asked me as she sat across from me on the dining table, and I replied, "I don't know yet, mom; our school is still on strike." "Hmm.." Mom was silent as she stared at the meal in front of her, and she said, "Bless the meal." Soon mom and I started eating, and after our dinner, I returned to the kitchen to tidy it up, and as I was through, mom was already in her bedroom and fast asleep. I picked up my phone and decided to surf the internet for news and trending topics, but none of the things that I saw could catch my eye, as my mind was still thinking about our new neighbors. For long we didn't have any neighbors, and I stood up from the white living room couch and walked up to our living room balcony to stare out to our compound, and I saw Becky leaving our house gate. "Oh, I forgot to lock the gate after mom arrived, and I don't know if they had the gate key with them, as we don't leave the gate open," I said to myself, and I moved away from the balcony and carefully went downstairs not to wake mom up, as the night had fallen. I didn't pause back to stare at the living room wall clock time, as I knew that mom usually slept so long, as she would leave the house early, so as to meet up with her appointment in the hospital. Rushing downstairs as I was still in my blue oversized gown, I saw Chris walk back into our compound gate, and probably he was returning from escorting his girlfriend off, and I walked up slowly to meet him. Chris had changed his previous deep blue shirt and black trouser, as now he wore a yellow single top and short black nikka, and I gulped as he was far taller than me, but I tried not to stare at him for so long as I approached him. "Um, good evening, sir," I said, and Chris turned away from the gate to stare at me. "Are you going out?" He asked me as our eyes met. I saw that Chris had deep blue eyes, and I felt lost staring into his eyes and face, but when he said, "Hello," I immediately snapped out of my trance and smiled before I stammered and replied, "No, I am not." I stared at the gate, and I fumbled to lock it properly, but Chris still stood there, and he was staring at me. I turned back and asked him, "Are you still going out?." "No," he said, but he didn't move away. I touched the gate lock, and I shifted it closed. I turned back to stare at him, and I met his midnight blue eyes on me again. "We don't usually leave the gate open, sir; that's why I locked it," I said, as I had to address Chris as 'Sir.' I heard from my mom that he was married. "Vivian! What're you doing downstairs there with him??" Mom questioned me from the top-floor balcony, making me jump in fret like someone caught stealing meat from a pot of soup, but I quickly replied, "I came to lock up the gate, mom!." Mom stood upstairs, and she was staring at us angrily, but Chris wasn't affected by mom's yelling, as I quickly ran away from him, and I made my way upstairs to meet with my mom. I was scared that mom would reprimand me or get angry at me, but as I stepped in, mom only stared at me eagerly, and she said, "Lock the living room door and don't go downstairs again." "Okay mom." I replied, and I went back to lock up the living room entrance door properly before I went to my room to sleep. I entered my bedroom, which was painted pink, but I wasn't able to sleep as I kept thinking about our new neighbor and how he looked so handsome and tall, and I found it hard to sleep. I was 21 years old, but I had no boyfriend, as I mostly dressed shabby and was mostly indoors, so I had no boyfriend. I was studying law in school, and also in my third year. In school, I had no time to make friends or have any boyfriends as all my focus was on passing my examination and making mom proud of me. I was mom's only child, and I sincerely didn't want to do anything that would make mom angry. I thought about Chris again, and I frowned when I remembered that he's married. I slowly shut my eyes closed to sleep, and there I slept off on my bed. The following morning, I woke up feeling full and fresh, and I decided not to think about Chris again. I reminded myself that he was a married man, and I went to my bathroom to take my bath first, as I knew that my mom would soon be leaving early for her work office. I stepped into my bathroom and bathed quickly, and while I stepped out, I walked up to my wardrobe and took out a yellow oversized gown. Not too oversized like the one I wore the previous day, and I thought probably to shape my gown to be a little fitted, especially now that we had neighbors. But mom might notice, and that would get her worried, so I picked up the yellow long gown like that, wore it, and tied the belt behind my back to make it a little more fitting. I walked up to comb my blonde hair and pack it, and as I stared at my room wall clock time, I saw that it was already 7:30 a.m. "Oh, mom would soon be leaving for work," I muttered, and I quickly packed my blonde hair and rushed out to the living room to meet mom, already dressed up in a deep red shirt and black plain trousers. "Good morning, mom," I greeted her, and Mom had already taken up her car key on the living room center table, and she smiled sweetly at me. "Good morning, Vivian. I am already late to the office, and we have an operation at 9 a.m., so here I am," Mom said as she quickly strapped her wristwatch around her left hand and turned to leave. "But mom, won't you be having your breakfast first before you leave home?" I asked her, just as mom rushed to exit our living room door. "No, Vivian, I said I was already late. Take care of the house, and don't go anywhere close to our neighbors," Mom warned me, as I immediately followed her and we went downstairs. "Okay, mom," I said, and as I stepped out, I rushed to open up the black gate for mom to drive out in her black car, as although mom had three cars, she mostly used her black car to work, as it had her white doctor coat hanging inside at the back seat, while the second two cars, one was an SUV and red in color, while the other was silver and a Camry car too. "Good morning, madam." I heard the deep, masculine voice greet mom as he stepped out of his apartment downstairs, while I stopped to greet him too.
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