More Than A Natural

1889 Words
“Secure the camp!” In a coordinated move, soldiers and guards alike reacted to General Misk and Alad’s orders while I stood frozen on my spot, yet not because of never having been in battle before, but because the sight before me held all my attention. I’d expected the shadowed figures to be some unguided enemy, a band of bandits or rogues, but once those wolves stepped into the clearing, their identity and numbers left me with one thought only. Eugan had to be insane! I marvelled as armoured soldiers in Leif colours poured in, ready for a war instead of the expected diplomatic greeting an entourage like ours demanded for. What in God’s name was he thinking? Despite the recent regrettable events or how ready Leif was for war, it was in his best interest to offer a welcoming hand instead of the sharp edges of his sword. Unless he was willing to let Leif burn to the ground, which made no sense at all. The rage and pain of losing his men to my father was a memory I remembered on Eugan oh too clearly. "Princess, we cannot be here!" Rinarri, her tone full of panic, tugged on my hand and began dragging me towards the tent where the council meeting was to be held, but I took it back and dug my heels in. “I am where I need to be.” I insisted without a second thought. I’d never been in a battle before, was not dressed or prepared for it either, but there was no doubt in my mind that right here was where I needed to be. With my people. Or my insistence to lead on this journey would mean nothing. “My lady, you can’t be serious!” My maid protested, staring at me as though I’d grown another head. “This is about him, isn’t it?” The accusation was not something I could deny because more than my need to fight alongside my people, I searched for him. Eyes going from wolf to man and back to wolf again. None stirred the longing in my soul, making me realize that if Eugan was here, he'd let his men go before him. That too was odd for a wolf who'd faced my father to save his own. “What sorcery is this? How the hell did they get through our lines undetected?” General Misk and everyone’s bafflement saved me from whatever Rinarii wished to say and drew me back to moments before the attack even as realization dawned that unlike everyone else, I had not been caught off guard. I’d felt the enemy’s presence before they appeared! How was that even possible? “Princess, I need to get you to safety.” Alad, flanked by my father’s royal guards looked ready to carry me if I chose to stay. “You mean run, while you all put your lives at risk?” Many had shifted already and growls and snarls echoed all around the camp. In the face of all that, I couldn’t see myself walking away and hiding in some hole while everyone fought to keep me safe even if it was their sworn duty. “This is not exactly the time to have such an argument–” “Then stop arguing.” Something ticked in Alad’s jaw, but he bared his neck in submission, surprisingly. “I can be of help.” “No!” My sworn protector’s protest was instant. “Whatever it is you are thinking, I will not allow it.” He growled, but I merely raised a brow at him. “Allow it?” “Forgive me, princess, but you know what I mean.” Alad held my gaze, something resembling regret shining in his eyes. “I have already failed in my duty before, do not ask this of me.” “I am not, neither do I hold you responsible for my own choices.” Choices I knew I would still make if presented to me again and again. “I can speak with him.” The moment the thought had occured to me, I’d jumped on it. Despite our history, if anyone could make Eugan see reason, it would be me. I could stop this, the senseless shedding of more blood for either of our sides. “With all due respect princess, the king of Leif has made his choice, ours is the duty to respond.” Alad growled, his wolf making its presence known and for whatever reason I took offence at the display. “I was not asking.” I glared. “Aryn–” “She’s right.” Liira cut off whatever protest Alad wished to make known. “If there is anyone capable of stopping this madness, it is her.” Surprised that my great grandmother agreed with me, I pinned her with a questioning look, but perhaps I should have remembered that the action only worked the other way round. As she approached where we all stood, her demeanour less urgent than I would expect her to be in battle, Liira ignored me and nodded at Gol instead, making me realize that wherever the two older wolves had been, they’d come to an agreement. Something I was about to find out and possibly dislike. “What is it Gol?” I inquired, but the Aldean merely stepped forward, his hands bearing something that he only uncovered once he was a few inches away from me. "Take it." “Take it?” My eyes widened at Gol and the long sword pointing in my direction. If I didn’t have a royal human shield surrounding me I would have probably bolted too. I had offered to talk to avert this entire battle, not sever limbs or anything of the sort– “Why are you suddenly eager to gift me with weapons." I could count on my fingers how many times he'd allowed me to train with any form of weapons each time. And I’d been fine with it. Unlike my mother at my age and despite me desiring to be seen as something more than a shiny princess, slicing throats was not exactly how I saw myself accomplishing that. “A gift from his majesty.” “And what does father expect me to do with it.” All my earlier resolve momentarily forgotten, I eyed the thing warily. Surely they weren’t expecting me to strike Eugan down with it too. "You are a wolf child, follow your instincts." Liira shifted into her glorious wolf and disappeared like mist among those fighting. Newer growls and grunts announced her presence among the enemy while I was left gaping after her. Listen to my instincts? Did she forget? That I was wolfless and possesed nothing but my human instincts which were arguably useless in a fight against wolves. Or was this the lesson I needed to learn? If I didn’t know the gravity of the situation, I would have laughed at great grandmother’s dark sense of humour. "You were always a natural." As if Gol heard the loud thoughts in my head, he offered what was perhaps the only welcome compliment he'd always showered on me. "That was when I wielded a wooden sword and you, Alad and father were the enemy." “Perhaps it’s time you wield the real thing then and on an actual enemy.” Gol shoved it in my hands, leaving me no room to protest. “That is if you intend to stay.” He raised his brow clearly daring me to say otherwise. Like Liira, it was odd for the man who would have easily thrown me over his shoulders and carried me to safety against my protests. They were clearly willing to have me indulge in the danger and with father’s approval apparently? Did they know something I didn't? “I’ll make sure to send father my thanks for such beautiful craftsmanship.” I snorted, my hands gripping the sword as I took one last look at the battle before me. Perhaps I could do this. “Strong, steady and concentrate.” My sword skills were probably nothing to sing about, but when Alad stood at my back, a stance we’d taken many times before while we pretended to face an enemy, I naturally took on a warrior’s stance, something that immediately drew my attention to my gown. It would simply not do. Not unless I wished for it to tangle me to death before I could even swing my sword. “What in God’s name are you doing?” Alad’s horrified look mirrored that of every guard who’d had their eyes on me when I brought the sharp blade to my gown and sliced off a portion of it, leaving me in something that was an unacceptable dress for a princess. I merely scoffed at their horror, however, knowing it would have been a lot worse had I been able to shift. “Aryn–” Whatever Alad meant to say was cut off by shadowy figures that scattered the human shield that had surrounded me. Not even Alad or Gol remained. What in God’s name– There was a wolf for each guard that had surrounded me and I stared in disbelief as the newcomers attacked with merciless intent, leaving me at a loss of were to begin to defend. A part of me wondered why I’d been spared too, but that did not last, however, as a couple of more wolves suddenly appeared and stalked towards me as though I were nothing but prey. The leader shifted back into his human form, his smirk greeting me the moment he looked up. I should have let fear overwhelm me at the sight, but a part of me was surprisingly determined to stand my ground. “Princess!” The overwhelming confidence the wolf possessed screamed of something being definitely wrong. Misk may have been right, I realized. These wolves seemed to have appeared from nowhere, not even I had felt their presence until it was too late. “Where is your king?” I demanded. If sorcery was involved talking to Eugan may have just become of utmost importance. “I could ask you the same thing, princess. But then again, this concerns only you.” Me? I dug my feet in the ground ready to take on whatever the wolf meant by his words, but the most powerful howl I’d heard around the camp yet, ripped through the woods before the most menacing growl brought with it a wolf. Not just any wolf. Him. Eugan. He was here and my damn heart seemed to forget every sting of heartache he'd caused as it hammered in my chest at the sight of him. I would have run to him too, but for once I was sensible enough to remember that he'd been the one who'd dared to attack us even when we had not posed any threat. For once my heart chose to stand with my men. With my kingdom. And as I swung my blade at the nearest wolf, taking Liira's advice to trust my gut, as countless screams filled the camp at my hands, Gol’s words only rang partly true. I was more than a natural…
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