More Than A Bitter Taste

1301 Words
“Accept his rejection already.” My hand stopped inches away from my mouth when an unwelcome voice invaded the air around the calm spot beside a fresh water spring I’d favoured on a stop to Leif. It was away from the rest of the entourage. Away from Eugan whose gaze I’d escaped. Because while it felt strangely good to hold his attention, it was also a perfect reminder of all the things I wished to forget. So when we stopped, I made the escape. But apparently the momentary peace I sought was not to be had with the witch now standing behind me. Flashing a glare past her, I was met with countless guards looking at a loss for words at being unable to stop her. “I’ll get rid of her at your word.” I had no doubt Alad would do just that, but this was no social ball where I could simply let my best friend scare away someone I did not wish to speak to. And knowing the wretched princess from hell, doing that would only hurt Xatis in the end once she started making ridiculous diplomatic claims. Besides there was an itch, deep in my bones that had my claws ready to take a swipe at her. “I wondered how long it would take for your uncivilized self to poke its nose where its not wanted.” "Ever the one to run away from the matter at hand." Darla taunted as she sauntered forward, hiding nothing of her usual disdain for me. “And why should I?” My own answer surprised even me. Finding out that Eugan was spoken for, I'd spent my night painfully searching for the perfect words to do exactly what Darla was asking for, and yet her request had me merely raising my brow at her. "Because he does not want you, never did.” The truth of that stung even more from the witch’s mouth. “And he's got someone better." Darla boasted, but there was no way I’d let her win. "Whatever makes you sleep at night." "What is that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you are just like all those stupid believers in the mate bond.” For the first time, Darla looked uncertain, almost at a loss for words. Had she been aware of my decision all along? "May be I am." My answer was meant to anger the princess, but as it left my mouth, a part of me strangely agreed. I waved it away, seeing it for the recipe for pain that it was. "And just so you know, he rejected me because he thought I'd betrayed him, maybe it's time I proved him wrong. Then maybe we can have this conversation again." I had no intentions of the sort, but the growing anger on Darla’s face the more I spoke was priceless. She gritted her teeth. And cursed before pasting on a fake smile. "So many maybes–” “I'm curious, how does a princess of your reputation end up in such a small kingdom?” Leif was by no means insignificant, but it just did not fit the grand dreams that always filled Darla’s mouth whenever she bragged about her future. “You know what they say, curiosity killed a cat. Although in your case it's fitting to say a kitten.” "Are you threatening my queen?" Alad roared, but Darla merely laughed before grinning. "What a loyal dog you are. It fits you, you know, pretty pup? You did follow her around like a puppy all these years after all.” The witch sassed before holding my gaze. "To answer your question, nothing about Eugan is small, I should know." And with that she left, leaving me with more than a bitter taste in my mouth after whatever she’d just insinuated. Rinarii openly glared when Darla went past her. I had no doubt that if my maid had a dagga of her own, she would have found a way to slice a piece of the princess off and claim it was an accident and beg for mercy later. The thought of that would have brought some kind of comfort, but as always, the poison that was Darla had dripped right through my defences and unlike before, my wounded pride was not the only result. The sight of Eugan once I rejoined the entourage plunged me deeper in my troubles and I was about to head for the comfort of my carriage when an unusual sight and commotion caught my attention. “What in God’s name is going on here?” I frowned at a crowd that was being held back by both the soldiers from Xatis and Leif. A crowd that was not there before. “Apparently word about your arrival has spread throughout the city and the inhabitants are flocking to its gates with hopes of having a glimpse of you.”A guard answered. “Me?” My frown deepened at the news. “Why would they do that at all? There is a foreign princess in their midst already surely my presence can’t be that strange?” “You are not just any princess, you are his mate.” Rinarii stated and I was about to wave her away when a loud voice boomed, filling the air. “Your majesty…” An order wolf, a figure that had been beside Koberic when he’d appeared at the camp, stood on some raised platform beside the city gates. Just like the people in the crowd, her face beamed with happiness and she seemed too eager to speak of something. Was she some enchantress? I wondered as everyone suddenly fell silent. “This is ridiculous!” Darla appeared from nowhere drawing everyone’s attention. “He is spoken for!” I hated how she made that declaration so openly, but my growing confusion at what was unfolding before me held all my attention. “That is true and this is by no means meant to come in the way of that.” The woman spoke so calmly, but every word she spoke seemed to have the opposite effect when they landed on Darla. Her growing rage I was sure could be felt for miles. “Nuela…” Eugan growled in warning, but his angry tone was a notch lower than what I had actually expected. What in God’s name was going on? “You pups may have forgotten because this has not been practiced in a…while.” Undeterred by her king’s warning, the older wolf turned to the crowd that was hanging on to her every word, the atmosphere confirming what I’d thought of her before. “It has been centuries since our own king has been mated outside of our borders, but I can assure you the elders have not. Neither have we forgotten what this means. The blessings that come with–” “This is madness, my love– ” Darla turned to Eugan, voice as meek as a lamb, I would have scoffed at her pretense, but the older wolf’s words had brought a tightness in my belly. It has been centuries since our own king has been mated outside of our borders. Why did that matter? He had rejected me already too. Whatever they intended, this would only hurt me and I wasn’t about to endure it. “My love– Your majesty– Eugan!” I’d already stepped away, not wanting to listen to their conversation, afraid of his answer and their pitiful looks when Darla’s tone suddenly shot to the skies, making me glance in her direction. Fury marred every one of her features, but it was the muscular figure walking away from her and towards me that held all my attention.
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