Rat Trail

1417 Words

Dante I adjust my tie in the pale moonlight slanting in through the window and glance at Eleni over my shoulder. She’s sprawled across the bed, as always, with her hair everywhere. I pull my attention back and tighten it a little more. Sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night like this feels oddly like a betrayal after the fight this afternoon, but it’s not as though I’m going to see Camila. And, truth told, I’ll do just about anything to keep as much space between Cal Duncan and Eleni as possible. I pat the gun already holstered on my hip and creep out of the room. Tony waits for me in a car outside, not idling in case that draws the attention of the neighbors. They tend to have their ears a little extra pricked in the weeks after the barbecue. All the accountants and lawyers arou

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