Chapter Nineteen

1985 Words
Dirt, grit and debris littered my body, my head and ears ringing as I pushed myself up slightly - I blinked, trying to clear my blurry vision. Through the haze of dust I could make out a few bodies strewn in the street, the building to my right now held a gaping hole, small pockets of fire flickering. I placed a hand on my head, thinking back to what just happened. I had been chased by the guards, trying to give Calian and Krane a head start. I had been cornered, the guards yelling for my papers. I rubbed my arm, remembering that one of them had yanked it at an odd angle, extracting blood after failing to find an ID number. I turned my head a bit further to my left, spying the commander against the wall where he had been thrown, a large gash now bleeding on his forehead. And then I remembered the whistle, low and long, the only indicator the rebels were nearby. Had this explosion been from them? I attempted to stand, only to fall back to the ground, gripping my side as pain exploded through my body, stealing my breath. I shakily brought my hand up, registering through my fading vision the blood that covered it. My head swooned, edges of my vision darkening. I heard the crunch of boots on debris, shouts echoing around me. I struggled to open my eyes a c***k, a whimper leaving my lips as someone picked me up from where I lay, agony racking my body. My eyes fluttered closed again as the darkness dragged me back under... . ~*~ Jerard stormed up to Strem's workplace, throwing open the door - it rebounded against the wall as the large man barged in "Where is she!?" He roared. Strem looked up from his workbench, eyebrow raised "You break my shop you fix it" his low voice rumbled. Jerard slammed his fist onto the bench "Your boy has filled her head with ideas about the agriculture district, he's the reason they were in there in the first place" Strem stood tall, wiping his hands on a rag "Don't blame just my boy Jerard, that girl has been nothing but trouble since you brought her in" he rumbled "Mira, Krane and the Upper are missing. You tell me they haven't gone back" Strem glanced at the door that led to his home "I spoke to Krane not even an hour ago" Strem didn't sound as certain as before. Jerard ran his hands down his face. He knew he should have headed straight to the restricted sector, he had a gut feeling they were going to make a stupid decision. "An hour for these kids is enough time to get into serious trouble Strem. You know that better than anyone" Strem gave Jerard a look "And now they know that there's something in that sector, they aren't going to stop until they find out. By then it will be to late" Strem strode over to the door leading inside, bellowing out to Krane. A few moments passed with no Krane answering or appearing - the panicked look on Strem's face told Jerard he believed him. "We need to get there first, otherwi-" a loud boom echoed through the streets, shaking the ground beneath their feet. The two men looked at each other, worry now replacing the anger "That was an explosion" the look the two gave each other was filled with fear "The rebels" they said in unison. Jerard raced back to the door while Strem turned and entered his house "They are not getting their hands on Mira. If this starts a fight, have everyone ready" Jerard yelled as he raced in the direction thick smoke was now rising in; he hoped he wasn't to late. . ~*~ The large and pristine city that seemed to taunt my dreams was replaced by shadowy hallways, stretching so far they ended in darkness. My footfalls echoed in the silence, fear and anxiety causing my chest to tighten. I felt like I had seen this place before, the glass windows I passed held nothing but darkness, as if I was unable to recall what was originally in there. Something scuttled behind me, adrenaline spiking as I spun around, only to see an empty hall. My heart thumped heavily against my chest, head swooning slightly as panic tried to set in, warning bells ringing in my mind that I was in danger. I kept walking, trying to peer into some of the glass windows, hoping to see so indication of what was beyond. I heard another sound to my right, turning to see what it was I swear my soul left my body - where there was an empty hall a small girl now stood. I half jumped into the window, pain rocketing through my body from the impact. I stared at her, the unsettling calmness that emanated from her was strange. Her eyes, though hazel brown, were vacant and lifeless while they seemed to bore into mine. I was about to ask who she was when something moved in the hall that branched off, my eyes flicked nervously as my heart stopped in my chest, the creature trying to remain in the shadows. I stepped backwards, the creatures beady eyes hungry as drool dripped to the floor. Its skin hanging off its skeletal frame. I looked nervously at the little girl, fear for her safety causing more adrenaline to pump through me. "it's your fault" she whispered, goosebumps racing over my skin, her voice chilling me to the bone "we're dying because of you" I stumbled backwards as the creature stalked forward, an animalistic growl filling the silent hallway -my head hit the floor, vision going white. I gripped my head, blinking through the haze, looking around frantically for the creature that seemed to have disappeared. The girl still stood in the hallway, a creepy smile now on her face. "When people rise, cities fall. You will bring about the downfall of us all. Born in light, raised in dark, only you can help these people back to the start. Trust in him, you were created as two, only he can see this through. The cure to save your people's curse, is located here, within this verse" Her voice, accompanied with many others, echoed in my ears and head. I blinked, trying to understand what was happening. Was this real? or a nightmare? "save us" she whispered, the echo in my head a scream "save us" more voices joined in "Save us" "Save us" "Save us" "Save us" "Save us!" "Save us" "Save us!" "Save us" They crescendoed to one deafening sound. I squeezed my eyes shut, pressing my hands over my ears to drown out the voice, but it continued to echo in my head. All at once they ceased, the silence just as loud as the voices; I opened my eyes in curiosity. The little girl, her face now contorted and horrific, was inches away, her voice booming as her sharp teeth gnashing "SAVE US ŦɧĮɜą!" . I thrashed awake, dim light outside the door making the room seem small and creepy. I lay there, staring at a ceiling I had never seen before, damp musty smells filling my nose - Where the hell was I? I sat up, heart rate quickening, noticing the room was mostly empty except a single table and chair against the far wall, medic supplies strew all over it. That's when the pain hit me, my head pounding, arm throbbing and side on fire, memory coming back to what happened. A small whimper left my lips while I pulled up my shirt, revealing the medic wrap that covered my waist, a small dark stain indicating the wound caused by the explosion. I squeezed my eyes shut to clear my vision, the twisted face of that girl in my nightmare appeared behind my eyelids, causing me to jump. My heart crashed against my ribcage, panic starting to make my palms sweat, head swoon and stomach to knot. I needed to get out, I needed the open space, the air within the room started to thicken, making it hard to breathe. I heard footsteps outside the room, the dim light flickering as a couple of people raced past. Suddenly one of them stopped, his face covered in shadow with the light behind him as he peered in. He pushed the door open slightly to see properly, eyes widening when he noticed I was awake; he turned to someone on his right "She's awake!" He called before disappearing. Fear gripped my heart, a full panic attack setting in as my situation suddenly dawned on me; I had been kidnapped. A few moments passed before I heard heavier boots stormed down the hall, my hopes rising slightly when they sounded like Jerard, only to be dashed against the wall when the man opened the door wide, his thinner frame indicating it wasn't who I wanted it to be "Hello Amira" his voice was smooth, almost comforting as if he was speaking to a child. I felt my heart calm down, wariness replacing the fear - how did he know my name? He gave a smile, sensing my unease, stepping in and turning on the light. I blinked at the light, backing away until I felt my back hit the wall, holding my side in pain. The man held up his hands to show he was no threat, sitting on the end of the bed "I mean no harm" "Who are you?" I demanded "how do you know my name?" "We've been tracking you for some time Amira. You've increased our interest when you and your friend managed to get into the restricted sector" I frowned, I had never seen him before, how had he been watching me? "Why me?" he just smiled, saying nothing. After a moment he extended his hand "I'm Braken" I stared at his hand, something in my gut telling me he wasn't to be trusted "I've never met you before" he chuckled, letting his hand drop into his lap "If you had seen me, then so had the guards and I would already be in prison" he scratched his head "Our movement wouldn't mean or achieve much if we were so easily caught" he added. My eyes locked with his, understanding who this man was dawning on me "The rebellion" his smile grew bigger, clicking his tongue "Your the leader of the Rebels" he half shrugged "A position the people chose. I like to see myself as just another soldier fighting for what's right. These people trust me and my word, and my directions" I had heard he had been the cause for the explosion that wiped my memory and killed many people, Uppers and Lowers alike "Why me?" I asked again, feeling as if he was avoiding the question. Braken stared a moment longer before standing, opening the door wide "before I spill my secrets, would you like to see the Rebellion" My eyes flicked to the door, curiosity pushing aside the apprehension; I had always wanted to find and potentially join the rebels, their fight for the Lowers and getting the justice we deserved invigorating and mirroring my own desires "I promise I will answer all your questions after" he added. I weighed up my options, knowing there weren't many, but at least one would satisfy and answer a few questions that had been plaguing me for a while. I gave a small nod, limping forward while still holding my side. As I passed I felt his hand on the middle of my back, guiding me from the room. If these people where who they said they were, and their end goal the same, why did I feel a sense of dread looming over me?
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