Chapter Two

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I woke before the morning whistle had sounded, majority of the city still sleeping as I made my way towards the trade market, where this weeks rations would be handed out. If I was lucky I would get close enough to the front to get a couple of the good portions. A few people milled about, some beat up cleaner robots clattering down the pavement, but the streets were otherwise empty. I enjoyed this time of rotation, when the air was still cold from the lack of people awake and less machines working, the only sounds were from the hum and hiss of the pipes, and electricity that ran throughout the city. It was almost peaceful, in an odd sort of way. I glanced upwards and eyed one of the glass windows. Pale light was starting to filter through, indicating the sun was rising. I wondered for a moment what it would be like to have that light fall on my skin? Would it be warm like the light from a fire? Would it burn? How did the Uppers tolerate that amount of light? Or were they used to it? So many thoughts were running through my head I didn't see the person turn the corner to my left, my shoulder catching his and causing me to stumble. I watched at he reached out, a cry of alarm leaving his mouth as he scrambled to stop my fall. In the flurry of commotion he landed on his knees and hands, and I landed on my backside, hard. I groaned and rolled to the side, mumbling a few choice curse words. Rubbing my now bruised bum I looked up and glared at the perpetrator, intending on running my mouth when I stopped, his appearance taking me by surprise. He had a hood that was pulled up around his face but as he pushed himself up it fell back slightly, showing black hair that slightly curled at the ends, and when he looked up his eyes locked with mine, freezing me to the spot; they were ice blue, almost glowing in the pale early light. Those unusual eyes widened when he realised he had knocked me over, quickly scrambling to his feet to offer a hand. I looked at it reluctantly for a moment before accepting it, realising then his skin wasn't as pale as mine. I quickly let his hand go and stepped back, taking in the rest of his appearance. He looked around Twenty, features well defined but soft. He wore dark jeans, a dark blue hoodie and his boots were those issued to the electricians. Overall, he was dressed like any other Lower, except all his clothes were to clean, with no holes, and the boots were practically brand new. In fact, there was barely any dirt or muck on him, including his skin. He did not belong here. The stranger cleared his throat "My apologies, I did not see you" I raised an eyebrow. He didn't even talk like a Lower. Did this mean he had come from above? If so, what the hell was he doing here? I didn't say anything as I fiddled with the strap on my bag "I was on my way to market, but seem to have become lost. Could you help me?" I let out a small laugh before I could stop myself "Any Lower would know the direction to the Trade market from the age of five, 'specially on Ration day" I watched his eyes go wide for a moment before rubbing the back of his neck "Oh..ha ha, yeah. You see, I was struck on the head last week and...seem to have lost part of my...ah...memory. A silly situation, and one I am quiet embarrassed about" I just stared at the man. He was lucky to have entered the Lowers at this time of day, and not when it was filled with people that would kill him the moment they knew he was an Upper. "It's that way" I pointed off to the right without breaking eye contact. He was visibly nervous as he shifted under my gaze "Thank you, I appreciate your help" he went to walk off, my brain telling me to keep my mouth shut, but some other part was screaming to help him not get killed "I'd suggest playing around in the dirt and soot first if you're wanting to pass as a Lower" he stopped and looked back, trying to look confused but failing "tear a small hole in that hoodie, maybe on the pants as well at the knee, scuff up the shoes. And don't talk so good, the Lowers don't talk like that. It's a dead give away" I walked past the man, brushing his shoulder slightly as I continued to the trade market, hopefully I hadn't lost to much time. I didn't look back to see if he followed; if he wanted to live he would find the nearest dirt pile and use it to his advantage. As I approached the trade market I could see a few stalls already open and trading, their wares spread out on the tables on display. I made my way through, trading a few items for necessities, I had a few extra items of clothing I didn't, as well as extra meal tickets I had managed to hold on to from extra or emergency shifts. But I was saving them for something special. I made my way to the ration station, noticing two people already there. I cursed at not getting the front, but it was better than anything further back. I didn't say anything as I lined up, I needed to go as unnoticed as possible. Jerard always worried about my trips to the trade market, but he couldn't always go himself, and we were running low on supplies. A few hours passed, the city beginning wake as the morning whistle blew to indicate the day was beginning, slowly filling the streets and market with people. The bustling noises washing over me, shifting the possibility of discovery to almost none. The guards were too busy making sure the Lowers were kept in their place, a small girl like me didn't warrant their attention. By the time the ration station opened, the line had disappeared down the street with no end in sight. The citizens of the city stared blankly ahead, ranging from the old and disheveled, to young and impressionable. I swear I even saw a child barely older than five, her clothes hanging from her body. When it came to my turn I grabbed the rations and quickly stuffed them into my backpack, hoping no one saw what I had. It had been a good ration today, causing a spring in my step at the thought of surprising Jerard. I headed back through the trade market when a stall caught my attention, the wares looking new and unused. Rare. Which meant expensive. I approached the stall, eyeing a particular pair of gloves when a tall and large man stood up, his beady eyes watching me from behind a large and bushy beard. "No sticky fingers kid" his voice was low and rough. I had seen him at Jerard's shop a few times; Geaves I think his name was "The gloves...they new?" I asked, inspecting a pair on the table. I heard Geaves scoff "Newest bunch you'll find 'ere kid" "I'll give you two meal tickets for them" I glanced up at the man, he raised an eyebrow in surprise "Four" he countered. s**t. I only had four and needed one for later "Three, and I'll throw in an amethyst stone" he crossed his arms over his chest, one hand stroking his bead as he thought "Quality?" Bingo "Well formed. Clean quality. Got a bit of dark light in it" I saw his eyes perk up at that. Crystals were hard to come by, and the ones that had bits of dark light were rare and sought after. As much as I would regret parting with the stone, the gloves were important "Deal" his gravelly voice cut through my thoughts. I quickly fished out the three tickets and stone, handing them over and scooped up the gloves as he inspected the gem "Where you find such a gem girl?" He asked, holding it up to the light "Back boilers in the old quarter, some shut down years ago. Found a few patches growing" "Old quarter? Bit hard to get to ain't it? Gems need pressure to grow to" I gave a small shrug "Boilers are pressurised. Don't think they let it out when they shut it all down" I turned and quickly walked away, not answering how I got there. I didn't need more questions. The old quarters were off limits, due to an sickness outbreak a few years back, a heap of people died. Something to do with twisting people's skin and making them go mad, so it was permanently quarantined. As I made my way back I spotted the man from earlier, a smile tugging my mouth when I saw the dirt smeared on his face; at least he took my advice. He slowly made his way through the crowd, keeping his head low but his eyes seemed to be searching for something. I watched from a few stalls away in curiosity as he stopped at a one that peddled old jewellery, mostly stuff that had been thrown out or flushed by the uppers. His eyes seemed to zone in on and item, his body now ridged as he stared at the table. I couldn't see what it was from where I stood, but my gut told me to stay put. He suddenly picked up a necklace, the pendant that hung from it too small to make out from here. He was demanding something of the owner, voice now raised, catching the attention of people around. Not a good sign. The owner started arguing back, attempting to snatch the item back when the man jerked backwards, pulling the necklace close to his chest, still arguing. I felt myself tense, I knew what came next "THEIF!" I watched the shock pass the man's face, the confusion, and then fear that followed. Shouts went up from the nearby guards as the stallholder kept screaming the word. The man was looking around like a stunned mullet. At this rate, he'd never get away I let out a loud whistle, catching his attention, head whipping in my direction and eyes sparking in recognition "Might want to start running" I yelled sarcastically, using two of my fingers to mimic the motion. His eyebrows pulled together before another shout went up, the guards yelling at him to stop. Understanding dawned on his face as he scrambled in the other direction, pocketing the necklace at the same time. That was weird. Food, blankets and clothing were the most commonly stolen items, no one here had much attachment to things like a necklace. I heard another yell, snapping me back to the moment. Letting out a curse I headed back home at a jog, last thing I needed was to be ID'd by the guards. Jerard was going to flip. ~*~ I arrived back at the shop, the light out front blinking occasionally. There were a few people in the streets, but after the guards had taken pursuit to the newbie, many had retreated inside. I was about to open the door when I heard hushed voices from within. I knew Jerard often had meetings with various people in the city, but they were usually held in his office in the back. I crouched down and tried to peer through the window. I could just make out three other men standing on this side of the counter, with Jerard behind it, arms folded over his chest and eyes hard. He was glaring at the three men that were trying not to raise their voices. I strained my ears to listen. Eavesdropping was wrong, and I would get scolded by Jerard if he found out, but there was something about this interaction that peaked my curiosity. "This is getting out of control Jerard. The guards are patrolling the streets night and day, punishing anyone they think is out of line." I didn't recognise the voice but it sounded like he was old "Today there was an Upper in the Trade market" my ears perked at that. They were talking about the stranger. Already? I had only just seen him, how was it possible these men were able to get back here before me with the news? "An Upper?" Jerard queried. He knew having Uppers down here was always bad news "He blended in well, until he started accusing Tyron of stealing a necklace" that sounded like Geaves. Damn, even he was quick. I hoped he hadn't told Jerard I was there. I heard the old man scoff "A necklace? Uppers have no concept of valuables, a necklace is nothing compared to a meal ticket" the old man started to cough "You forget, Strund, that the Uppers value their trinkets more than food" Jerard rubbed his face "What of the Upper? Was he captured?" Geaves seemed to shrug "So far no. But someone gave him a heads up" there was something in Geaves' voice that gave me pause. He stared at Jerard as the silence stretched between them. He knew what Geaves meant, and so did I. s**t. I shuffled slightly, accidently bumping the wooden crates beside me. All four men turned in the direction of the window, one of them marching over to swing open the door. But all he saw were a few strays in the street, and beggars on the corner. I had managed to slip around the side just as he exited the store. My heart pounded against my chest as I steadied my breathing. There was a moment silence before I heard the shop door close and the hushed voices start up again. Heaving a sigh of relief, and not wanting to risk being caught, I scaled the building and quietly opened my room window. I had turned to close it when my room light flicked on, Jerard standing in the doorway. My head whipped in his direction as we stared at each other, my mind racing with questions on whether he knew I had overheard the conversation with the three men. I slowly lowered the bag full of rations to the floor, his rough exterior aways so intimidating as he crossed his arms over his large chest "Heard you had a bit of fun at the Trade Market today" did that mean I was off the hook? "You know how ration day can get" I mumbled sitting down on my bed "Anything in particular I should know about?" he was fishing for information. I shrugged, fiddling with the bag straps "Old woman Merla managed to get to the front of the line today, got the best stuff" I sniffed. Jerard sighed "Why do you do that?" he pinched the bridge of his nose "What?" "Act like I'm stupid" I glanced up at the man. I knew he was anything but "I don't Jerard. I just wish you would trust me a little more" "And look what happened today because I trust you to stay safe! An Upper was spotted in the trade market, and the guards are now sweeping the entire area with the possibility of calling in backup" he was angry, but that statement was unusual "For an Upper?" my thoughts went back to the strange man, he had looked so different from the other Uppers we had seen before "Apparently he did something bad up top. Guards have a reward for information or his capture" I blinked a few times "So, from now until things settle, you are to not leave the house or shop" my jaw hit the floor. Jerard turned and walked away, a few moments passing as that sunk in. I was...grounded? what the hell? I raced after Jerard, grabbing the bag as I did "What the hell Jerard? You can't keep me in here!" I protested as we made our way down the little stairs to the kitchen, Jerard's wide shoulders brushing the walls as he went "I can, and will. It's for the best Mira, we cannot afford the Guards to ID you" I stopped in the doorway to our little kitchen that was barely big enough to fit Jerard. "So what about work? You really think you can feed us both until they leave? What happens if it takes weeks, or months?" Jerard stopped, shoulders slumping. I was right, it was the whole reason I got a job in the first place "You are to go to work, and back here. No detours, no adventures" he turned to face me, the open and concerned look in his eyes made my anger faulter "Until they have gone. Then back to normal. Deal?" I stared at him a moment longer. He knew he wasn't my father, and grounding me was like trying to ground a friends kid, but all Jerard ever did was look out for me. He wouldn't do this unless it was absolutely necessary I let out a sigh "Ok...fine" "Promise?" I made a face. It never felt mandatory unless it was a sealed deal. "Yes, I promise" his shoulders slumped; he had been expecting a fight. He sat down at the small table that was tucked against the window, head in his hand. He looked exhausted. Today of all days I didn't want to make it hard on him. I reached into my bag and grabbed out the fruit that was included in todays good ration, as well as the new gloves I bought. I placed them gently on the table and sat opposite the man that cared for me. He looked up, eyebrows pulling together in a frown briefly before picking up the fruit "It's an apple, right? You told me about them and how they used to be included in all rations" Jerard looked at it like he had seen a miracle "" "Early bird get the swerm...or something" a low rumble echoed around the kitchen as Jerard laughed "The worm" he corrected. I scrunched up my nose "Why would it get a worm? That's gross" he laughed again, louder and longer this time. I hadn't heard him laugh like that in ages. He eyed the gloves, large fingers trailing over the material "Happy Birthday Jerard" I said quietly.
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