Chapter 13

1693 Words

Ayanne She wasn’t much of a reader. It just wasn’t her thing. That was always Zuri’s thing—reading. And, ugh, when she started reading those romance novels. Gross. Those Fabio-looking guys on the cover. No thank you. Zuri tried to get her into reading them. “You’ll love them, trust me, you will.” No. Porn. Erotica. Whatever it was, Ayanne didn’t want to think about that stuff. She didn’t mind the occasional comic book if it was interesting and not that long. She even didn’t mind poetry so long as it was Shel Silverstein. The ones that were silly and fun, but sometimes just so true. Zuri could read about whatever some pirate man did to some wench so long as she left Ayanne out of it. However, since Zuri stopped responding to her months ago, reading was the only thing that made her f

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