Chapter 42

2234 Words

Zuri “I guess I just never thought you’d run off and do something like this.” Zuri sat beside her mom on the bed, their hands locked together. They used to do this a lot. The three of them. Form a small circle, join hands, and just talk. Except Ayanne is being dramatic right now—rightfully so—and so this isn’t a circle. It’s just points a and b.  “You just wanted to get married before you found your mate? I mean, not that you’d feel it now, I guess.” She’d find out soon enough. Ayanne would open her big fat mouth. Miss “I don’t gossip,” tells their mom everything. And Lauren tells Mia who tells everybody everything. Ayanne didn’t even realize she was the start of the gossip mill.  “Brandon’s my mate, mom. We can feel it.” Her mom formed a frown on her features. She had very few line

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