Episode 50

1026 Words

Elena's POV "Mom!'' I jolted awake in a thick sweat. I had a dream, running around an empty field and my mother chasing me. I was going mad. I touched the bracelet on my hand, making sure it was still there. "Hey hey hey, Little sis, easy easy.'' Alexi came to hug me. His embrace was warm, I had needed it. I felt stuck in a nightmare. I didn't think it was possible. "It's just a bad dream!'' Alexi kissed the top of my head. "Where's mom?'' I looked around. I ripped the covers from my body as I stepped off the bed. "Elena, you're not well rested. Please get some rest.'' "I have a bad feeling, where's mom?'' I asked again, but Alexi avoided my eyes. "She went back home to collect some suppliers.'' "What's wrong Alexi, you're lying to me!'' My jaw was clenched, I was apprehensive.

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