Chapter 2: Keelan Pierce

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I stopped in my tracks and looked down at the short woman in front of me. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and I had been cranky on the way here at our tour stopover. She could just be the person to salvage my day 'cause oh good goddess was she a sight to behold. Alright. I admit she was different from the usual gals that decorated our doorstep with their bodies fit for models, but she had the curse of curves that men would die for. Am I overreacting? Probably. But I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. I leaned over the wall and casually crossed my legs, turning up my charm. This would be quick and easy. "I know you," I repeated. However, instead of swooning and falling all over my feet, the woman just tensed up even further. No worries. She might be just nervous, right? I pushed on and continued. "You're the elusive muse that's been visiting my sweet dreams, aren't you?" She finally looked me in the eye, and I saw my reflection on a pair of polished golden orbs. Blonde hair framed her heart-shaped face, and a scatter of freckles adorned her slightly tanned skin. Muse was indeed the right word to describe her. My Golden Muse. I gave her a bright smile to try to ease her anxiety, but her gaze turned stormy. She frowned and sidestepped, continuing on her rapid walk and completely ignoring me. I had never been ignored my whole life. What the hell? "Wait!" I shouted and ran after her. I was taller and faster than her, so I quickly caught up, even though she was close to running. I reached to grip her hand but stopped midway. I didn't think grabbing a running woman was a good choice right now. I settled on blocking her path. "I-" I began but stuttered when I saw the loathing in her eyes. Not anger. Not even hatred. No, those words were too light to describe the emotions I could see. It was pure, unadulterated loathing... directed towards me. "Do I know you?" I asked her because I had no idea why someone would hate me this much. I knew I messed up from time to time, but I always tried to be a decent person. I couldn't remember doing anything that would earn me this hatred. The woman gritted her teeth and glared at me. "Didn't you say that you do? And now you're asking me that?" She scoffed and started walking away again. "How stupid can you be?" For some reason, I felt like that question was both for me and her. I tried catching up to her again, but before I could reach her once more, she was already halfway through the tent door of the makeshift kitchen. She gave me one last sharp look and slammed the door closed. I licked my teeth and glanced around. There were a few staff who witnessed our fight. s**t, I was already in trouble with Jacques, our manager. If she got wind of this, I would be in a much deeper mess. I needed to do damage control. Running back to where I came from, I tried to ignore the stinging pain in my chest. I would get to the bottom of this, and I wouldn't let whatever this might be to ruin my day... or the whole tour. *** Our bus was designed differently from the ones where the staff were staying. Aside from the personalized decals outside, there were only two larger bunk beds inside, a spacious kitchen and living area, as well as a complete bathroom. Creed and I had some say in remodeling our bus, and we made sure to incorporate our taste and the overall theme of our band. All the furnishings were in different shades of black and gold, and a few gothic elements were interspersed. Royal gothica was our trademark, and we had it in spades. Creed, my one and only band member, was already sitting on the sofa. He was playing on his phone with the volume turned up high. I plopped down on the chair opposite him and ran my hand through my hair. Upon seeing me, Creed paused his game and raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and shook my head. "Come on, man. Spill it," Creed pushed. I groaned and covered my face with my elbow as I slouched further in the chair. "Where's Jacques?" "She'll be here soon. Better say it to me now or drop it on her unrehearsed. Let's see where that will get you." I uncovered my fave and pouted. Creed had a point. Might as well say it to him and ask for his help. "Someone is mad at me," I said. When Creed didn't reply, I sat up straight and looked over at him. The man was about to c***k his freaking knuckles. "Why are you always so violent?!" I exclaimed. Creed ignored my question and stood up. "Want me to break his legs? Tell me who's mad at you." I blocked the bus's door before he could get out and escalate things. We had a good cop, bad cop thing going on between us. Obviously, Creed was the bad cop. "Calm down, Creed," I said as I tried to push him back. He didn't even budge and simply raised another brow at me. I sighed in exasperation. "Can you not?" Finally, Creed yielded and sat back down. I went to my seat again and continued. "First of all, it's not a 'he,' but a 'she.' Second, I don't even know her." It was Creed's turn to sigh. "You already have your plate full with Gwen. Isn't she the reason why we had to leave early and Jacques was about to rip our asses? Now, you're adding another woman into this mess?" "I didn't add her. She just came out of nowhere." My already sour mood was further ruined by the mention of Gwen's name. She was a famous singer and actress, and she had been pushing for a collab since forever. My gut says she's only in it for a bit of fun time, and I didn't want our band's name dragged through the mud after the inevitable fallout. Neither did Creed. Unfortunately for us, Gwen was slowly winning Jacques over her side. "Did anyone see you with the woman?" Creed asked me. "We were out in the middle of the parking lot. Everyone saw us." A string of expletives left Creed's mouth, and he stood up again to start pacing. "We are both on good terms with the staff. I bet if we asked nicely, they'd keep their mouths shut for long enough. Deal with the woman. Give her some money or anything that she wants and tell her to get the hell away from us." My shoulders sagged. Just thinking of sending her away like that left a bitter taste. Besides, that was not exactly our problem. "It looks like she wants nothing to do with me. She hates me, for reasons still unknown." "Good! Problem solved. Just smile and act naturally. Jacques won't know anything." I pursed my lips and looked away. Creed took one glance at me and groaned. "You can't be serious." "I need to know why she's mad at me." "Why does it matter?!" Creed half-shouted and half-whined. He stopped pacing and sat next to me. "For all we know, the reason can entirely be pointless. She has a crush on you, and you're out of her league. Her boyfriend just left her, and you're the unlucky guy who she saw first after the breakup. Or maybe she hates you just to be different. You know? Hating the popular guy to act cool or something." I bumped my shoulder against Creed's and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Or maybe I really did something bad that I have no recollection of." Fully facing him, I gripped his shoulders and held his gaze. "Creed, I need to do this. I'm going to talk to her and find out what happened. It'll just be a quick conversation." Creed sighed for the umpteenth time. "This is why people always walk all over you." "And people steer clear away from you because you freaking punch everyone out of the blue." Creed's laughter rang in the bus, and mine joined him as we let the lightness of the moment last for a bit. My mind wandered back to my Golden Muse. I never once wished to hurt anyone, and if by some twisted fate I harmed in one way or another, I would set things right. I just hope the pieces were not too broken to glue back together.
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