Chapter Eighteen - A witch's revenge

2095 Words

Staring up at the irate Vampire, Halle curled herself up so that her arms were around her knees in a protective stance, Jason pulling Vallance tighter into him as he scowled at the Vampire King challengingly. ‘Viktor’ Justin said cordially, ‘it seems we have an issue, could I proffer you a piece of grass to sit on?’ he asked waving a hand toward the empty space near the fire. Removing his eyes from his son, Viktor gave a heavy sigh and sat down across from the Alpha, his subordinates taking up position behind him. ‘Why do I get the feeling I am not going to like this?’ he asked rhetorically. Justin gave an understanding grin, ‘well it seems that your son and my daughter decided to go on a midnight stroll to visit Oak Ridge’ Justin began as Viktor raised his eyes toward Vallance in sile

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