Chapter Three - Time to leave

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‘Oh my goddess stalker, will you hurry the hell up!’ Vaya shouted through the bathroom door as Daniel’s singing over the shower amplified. Storming over to the mirror, she brushed back her hair, a small smile playing around her lips at the long healed bite mark on her neck. The door opened and Daniel leaned on the door frame, a towel wrapped around his waist as he gave his mate a teasing grin, ‘what are you shouting at me for Babe?’ he asked innocently as his eyes trailed her neck line and darkened as they fell on her mark. ‘You, taking four hours in the shower’ Vaya snapped back, ‘I swear you are worse than those she wolves that strut around this place with their asses hanging out and the fake eye lashes that make them look like spiders have set up home on their faces.’ Walking over to the grumpy teen, Daniel peppered kisses down her neck as he murmured, ‘I have no memory of any other she wolves, there is only you in this pack house.’ Giggling despite herself, Vaya swatted the Beta away as he tried to pull her toward the bed, ‘we have to get ready, we are supposed to be setting off for Oak Ridge today’ she said as he tried to fend off her Mate’s advances. ‘We’ve got loads of time, and who knows when i’ll get to be between those sweet thighs again’ Daniel pouted as he ran his tongue up her mark making her shudder. Pulling away she growled at him, ‘you used that excuse three times last night and again this morning before breakfast’ she retorted. Shrugging his shoulders, Daniel gave her a cheeky grin, ‘you can’t blame a wolf when his mate is so damn delicious’ he replied as he enveloped her in his arms. Slapping him playfully she pointed toward their closet, ‘go, get dressed, I am having a shower . . alone!’ she added as Daniel’s eyes lit up. ‘Spoil sport’ he grumbled as she disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Pulling on some jeans and a t’shirt, a knock suddenly echoed from the bedroom door, pulling it open his face broke into a smile as Riley walked in. ‘Just coming to see you off mate’ he said as he threw himself down into the chair by the small desk in their room, looking around for Vaya. ‘Bathroom’ Daniel said in reply to the future Luna’s enquiring gaze. ‘And she wouldn’t have been so late getting in there if someone hadn’t needed a forty five minute shower’ came Vaya’s annoyed voice through the locked door before the noise of the shower drowned out her words. ‘Are you ready to go?’ Riley asked, idly picking up the pieces of paper that were strewn over the desk and reading the list of packs written there. Daniel nodded, ‘Yep, once we pick up Jason from Oak Ridge and his Beta we will start our trek to try and find Jason’s mate and Vaya’s father’ Leaning forward, Riley gave Daniel a stern look, ‘how is she coping with the thought of finding him?’ he asked as Daniel’s shoulders slumped slightly. ‘She swings back and forth, sometimes she’s really desperate to find him, then others she’s terrified she’ll find him and he wont want to know her, or we’ll find out he died or is a bad Rogue’ he replied dejectedly. Nodding, Riley stood up and gave his friend a tight hug, ‘it’ll work out mate’ he said confidently as he made to leave. ‘Hows the future Alpha doing?’ Daniel asked causing his best friend to pause, turning back, Riley smiled, ‘she’s doing her own head in trying to beat Merrick in combat without using her powers’ he chuckled, ‘she got so angry with him yesterday she threw him in the pond’ ‘Uh oh, what did he do to her?’ Daniel asked as he started to laugh Shaking his head Riley smirked, ‘She had him pinned on the ground and he used a new move to flip her over and pin her arm behind her back, that she wolf was raging. I didn’t mind because she came back to our room and took all that pent up anger out on me, i’m thinking of asking Merrick to wind her up more often’ he added lustfully. Shaking his head, Daniel gave Riley a friendly shove, ‘OK, your mate is hot, no need to rub it in’ he growled. ‘Oh so Riley’s mate is hot but not yours?’ came Vaya’s voice from behind them. Shrinking into his shoulders, Daniel turned to his mate who was dressed in leggings and a top and had her arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot as she glared at the Beta’s horrified face. ‘Of course not baby’ he replied quickly, walking over to her as Riley stood by the door trying to stifle his laughter, ‘you are so hot even the sun has to put lotion on when you are near.’ Raising her eyebrow at her Mate, Vaya turned back to Riley with a smile, ‘tell Bella I said bye and that i’ll send her a message as often as I can whilst we are out looking.’ Giving a small nod and wave, Riley left the room, shutting the door behind him as Vaya turned and started to poke at her Mate’s chest viciously. ‘Ow! Babe! Quit it!’ Daniel moaned as he grabbed hold of the hybrids hands and pulled her toward him. ‘You think Isabella is hot’ Vaya growled, a slight tinge of jealousy showing in her eyes. ‘No baby, I think that Isabella taking her aggression out on her Mate in the bedroom is hot, but it’s even hotter when my mate does it to me’ he replied with a sly smile as Vaya flushed slightly trying to pull out of his grasp. ‘Nuh uh baby, I need a make up kiss, my baby is upset, that hurts me, I need her to make me feel better’ Daniel pouted holding her tightly to his chest. Cocking her head slightly to one side, Vaya stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips to Daniel’s as fast as she could before trying to pull away. The Beta, well versed in her antics, already had his hand behind her head, weaved into her hair as he held her still, pressing his lips to hers hungrily. As his other hand traced down her back and grabbed hold of her ass, she opened her mouth to remind him about their schedule. Taking his opportunity, Daniel pushed his tongue into her open mouth, smiling slightly as he heard her moan in pleasure, his fingers roaming over her back as her hands slipped around his neck, playing with his short messy hair. Pulling back, he looked down lovingly into his Mate’s flushed face, ‘OK now we can go’ he said with a smirk, Vaya wriggling out of his grasp muttering, ‘f*****g tease’, as she grabbed her packed bag and headed for their bedroom door.                                                             ******************************** Viktor poured over the intel that his forces had collected, they had discovered that the Oak Ridge Alpha had a sixteen year old daughter, her name was Halle.  According to his men, she didn’t leave the territory alone and was heavily guarded when she did. One of his men had managed to snap a photo of the girl when she had been brought out to visit the village at the base of the mountain. She was beautiful, her long wavy brown hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her dark brown eyes gave the impression of endless pools of chocolate and her perfect plump lips were like rosebuds. Viktor smiled as he looked over her features, she would be perfect for his son, he could see why the entities would suggest her as his perfect female, with her looks and strong Alpha blood mixed with Vallance’s Vampire King legacy, they would produce an heir that would rival the supernatural world. Vallance came stomping into the room looking agitated, quickly covering his papers on his desk, Viktor gave a warm smile at the young Vampire who scowled angrily, kicking at the stone hearth where a warm fire crackled. ‘Son, you look vexed’ Viktor said softly, eyeing his offspring as he threw himself into one of the comfy armchairs that were placed around the fire place. ‘I am fed up with being stuck in this place’ Vallance muttered in annoyance, ‘I am nearly two hundred years old, I should be out looking for my match but no, i’m stuck here like some child awaiting f**k knows what.’ ‘Son’ Viktor placated as he rose from his chair and sat down next to the furious Vampire, patting his hand, ‘your match is out there and we will go and find them, but as the heir to my position, the future ruler of all the Vampire species, I must keep you safe.’ he said soothingly. ‘When will you stop treating me like a child’ Vallance flared stubbornly, refusing to meet his fathers gaze. ‘When you stop acting like a spoilt teenager Vallance’ Viktor bit back, his patience with the young man already wearing thin. Giving the King a dirty look, Vallance stood back up, shaking off his fathers hand before storming back out and through the stone corridors of the castle back to his room. Slamming his bedroom door shut behind him, Vallance dropped onto the bed with an exasperated sigh, he was ready to search for his Match, he couldn’t become the next Vampire King without them so why was his father so reluctant to let him go. Glaring around the room, he took in the deep black curtains that were drawn tightly to keep out the morning light, his huge antique king sized bed felt unbearably empty as he lay there alone. He had spent many years trying to talk himself into leaving without his fathers permission but he knew that his father would send out the entire clan to find him and would most likely refuse him the title when he was found again.  Snarling furiously he buried his face into his pillow defeated, knowing he had to wait for his father to agree to begin the search.
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