Chapter Eight - She's Missing

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                                            WARNING - THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS s****l THEMES As they made their way through the air, Halle tried to keep herself calm, her eyes screwed tightly shut too stop her looking down and seeing how far away the ground was. The only sounds she could hear were the soft fluttering swooshes of the bats wings around her and the occasional chitter as they spoke to each other. Before long they were touching down in a clearing with tents dotted around the edge, the bats releasing Halle’s clothes as they flew away from her and transformed into their human forms. The largest tent was in front of her, sitting up, Halle stared around her as the flaps of the tent opened up and Viktor emerged a playful smile on his lips. Striding over to her, he held out his hand to help her up which she took tentatively. ‘Welcome future Queen’ he said loudly, as the surrounding Vampires dropped to one knee around her. ‘I am pleased that your father decided to accept my proposition, I can assure you that as the Queen of our race, you will be treated as royalty should be.’ Clearing her throat, Halle tried to stop herself from shivering as she replied, ‘my father doesn’t know about this, I chose to come to you so that you would leave my people in peace.’ Raising an eyebrow, Viktor studied the young teen, ‘such bravery in such a youngling, you impress me Halle, you will make a fine bride for my son, I can see that the witch was correct in her words. I admit, I thought she may be toying with me, it is rare that our kind and yours join together but you are indeed a force to be reckoned with, I approve’. He said softly. ‘Is this where you live?’ Halle asked nervously, looking around at the few tents that surrounded them. Laughing heartily, Viktor shook his head, ‘no child, I live quite a way from here, this is just where we set up camp to be near to you but not so close that we could be found. But now you are here, we can set off back to my castle, we can tolerate the sun but honestly we prefer the darkness, I am sure my subjects are eager to return to their homes.’ Making a motion with his hand, he stood and watched as a large bag was brought out, holding out his hand, he waited for Halle to take it before leading her to stand in the middle. Looking at her worried face he smiled, ‘it is OK our Queen, I felt you would be more comfortable travelling by air this way than by being held by your clothing’ he explained. Nodding silently, Halle sat down in the centre as a group of Vampires, pulled the sides up around her, tightening the ropes at the top securely. The sound of wings echoed around her before she felt herself being lifted from the ground, the bag she sat in swaying gently as she travelled higher and higher before she felt the bats carrying honing in on a direction and setting off through the evening sky.                                                                 ****************************** In their room, Daniel and Vaya lay on the bed half dressed, Vaya idly tracing her fingers over a scar on her mate’s chest, ‘where is this from?’ she asked as she continued to run her finger up and down it softly. Resting his head on his arms that were positioned behind his head, Daniel replied, ‘Were bear, took offence when I nicked his lunch, poor girl was human and terrified’ he added with a smirk. ‘You took away a human from a hungry Were bear?’ Vaya repeated slowly, looking at him as if he was insane. Shrugging Daniel nodded, ‘I couldn’t just leave her to be eaten could I, anyway he came out the worse for our little fight’ he replied with a self appreciating grin. Rolling her eyes, Vaya moved her hands down his chest to a small circular mark in his side, ‘and this?’ ‘Crazy farmer who thought he could kill a Werewolf with a metal spike’ Daniel said with a chuckle. ‘And what did you do after he stabbed you?’ Vaya asked sternly. Looking over at her, Daniel raised his eyebrows, ‘hey, I didn’t kill him! I just knocked him out, I even left him the spike as a memento!’ Vaya sniggered as he gave her his sexy grin, ‘are you impressed with my manliness babe?’ he asked coyly. Rolling away, Vaya snorted, ‘as if stalker, you got baby marks, now this!’ she added as she pulled up her shirt to show the large scar running up her side, ‘is a war wound! Axe in the side from a human who was trying to chop down my mother’s tree’ Scoffing, Daniel rolled up his leg, pointing to a deep cut near his ankle, ‘silver knife straight through to the bone, needed seventeen stitches AND a blood transfusion’ He shot back. ‘Pfft’ Vaya growled as she turned her back to show three stripes running diagonally across her skin, ‘Rogues, six of them, only one got a hand on me’ she smirked as she looked at her mate over her shoulder. Running his fingers over her skin, Daniel smiled, ‘you have the sexiest scars babe’ he muttered, his voice deep and erotic. ‘Yours are pretty neat too’ Vaya conceded with a smile as she spun around on the blankets and straddled him. Leaning over, she ran her tongue up his chest from the waistband to his left n****e, slowly she circled her tongue around the edge of the small nub before suddenly biting down hard. Daniel yelped in pain as she smiled at him evilly, ‘what was that for?’ he moaned trying to move his hand to rub his throbbing n****e as Vaya held his wrist against the pillow above his head. ‘You putting yourself in danger yesterday, don’t think I didn’t see you throw yourself in front of that Vamp in the fight’ Vaya replied with a growl. ‘I was protecting a warrior, he had three Vamps on him’ Daniel protested pouting. ‘Don’t care, you put yourself in danger so you deserved punishment’ Vaya rumbled back before licking his n****e again, drawing a growl of lust from her mate. ‘You are evil woman’ Daniel groaned ‘And you love it’ Vaya replied as she kissed her way up to his neck and sucked lightly on his mark. Pulling his wrist from Vaya’s grasp, Daniel grabbed her face and pulled her toward him, his lips hungrily smothering hers as his tongue grazed her bottom lip demanding entrance. Opening her mouth, Vaya moaned as his tongue explored her like he was a starving man and she was the only food left in the world. Grabbing her thigh, Daniel flipped them both over so that she was on her back and he between her legs. ‘So f*****g beautiful’ Daniel growled as his hands roamed all over Vaya’s body, exploring her curves, pulling small shrieks from the she wolf as he tickled her skin. Sitting them both up, Daniel carefully raised her hands above her head and lifted her shirt up revealing her pert breasts that were unhindered by any bra. Throwing the shirt aside, he grabbed her right breast and began to gently kneed it as his mouth discovered her left n****e, Vaya throwing her head back as she groaned wantonly. Laying her back down, he ran his fingers down her body, stopping at the edge of her pink lace panties, tracing his finger along the band as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. Slowly, inch by inch, he pulled the fabric from her body, revealing her soft lips that ached to feel his touch. Dragging the material down her legs, he let out a small moan of longing before arching forward and running his tongue up her folds, smiling slightly as she gasped at the sudden contact. Swirling the tip of his tongue around her clit, Daniel hummed slightly, sending vibrations through his mate’s body. ‘f**k me’ Vaya groaned as she started to move against her mate’s tongue, increasing his pressure, ‘there Daniel, keep going’ she moaned loudly as he eased two fingers into her soft entrance, growling possessively as Vaya came undone. Once his mate came down from her high, Daniel removed his fingers, replacing them with his tongue, lapping up her juices as she moaned and writhed above him. Pulling back, he rolled her over, pulling her up on all fours before placing himself at her opening, barely touching her as he moved himself up and down, listening to her heavy breathing as she waited impatiently for him. ‘Do you want me babe?’ he asked quietly. ‘You know I do’ Vaya growled back ‘Am I your everything?’ Daniel teased as he pushed just the very tip into her plump folds making her groan. ‘Yes, you are my everything’ she groaned back trying to push herself backwards so he would enter her. ‘Who do all your orgasms belong too baby?’ Daniel continued, enjoying his mate’s angry growls. ‘You won’t be getting any more if you keep on’ Vaya muttered as he thrust into her hard. ‘Fuuuuuck’ Vaya moaned as her eyes rolled, ‘harder’ she demanded as Daniel thrust himself as deep as he could over and over again. Pushing back against him, Vaya increased the friction between them making Daniel growl at the sensation. ‘f**k me’ Daniel moaned as he held Vaya’s hips against him, forcing himself into her again and again, losing control as she screamed underneath him. ‘Yes, like that baby, f**k me hard’ Vaya screamed as he reached around her and started to pinch her clit gently. Shaking madly, Vaya came for a second time, her walls constricting around Daniel’s c**k as he shot his seed within her, howling loudly as he came before they both crashed on to the bed, exhausted. Rolling off her, Daniel pulled Vaya into his arms, kissing her passionately, ‘I love you baby’ he muttered holding her close. ‘I love you too stalker’ Vaya replied with a smile kissing him back. As they began to drift off to sleep, a commotion outside awoke them again, ‘She gone! Halle is gone!’ came Hazel’s panicked voice from outside of their door, her feet thundering up the hallway past their room. Scrambling out of the bed, Vaya and Daniel threw on their clothes before rushing out of the room after the Luna to find out what was going on.
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