Chapter 16 : The Forgotten Kingdom

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I barely managed to control myself of snapping his neck as he laughed so hard. “Your face is priceless, princess.” He muttered as he wiped the tear that escaped his eye.  I settled there watching – shooting – dagger stares at his direction. He was certainly so delighted seeing my reaction when he said that the guess are going to get butt naked to. The wedding proceeded not so normally, not that I expected it to be normal but sitting there as the ceremony proceed makes me give a sour look. Lola Karing was the one who wedded the couples and now they are exchanging their vows. When the kissing part arrived, they almost made out which made me roll my eyes. I remained seated there. As much as I wanted to run the hell out of here, I realized this was an important ceremony and the last thing I want is to increase the number of my haters. “And the party starts.” I heard Flux muttered and let out a slow whistle addressing the women who started standing up and scattered the venue. And just in time, an upbeat music was played and it shook the ground. It’s already half past eight and I decided to walk away. The women are now waving their underclothes like it’s some kind of a damned flag. I was about to turn my back when someone gripped my wrist, pulled me in and I found myself slammed into chest. Napatingala ako and saw a huge man looking down on me. Despite the scarcity of light, I don’t need to squint my eyes para hindi makita ang mga tattoo niya sa braso. I even saw some scars on his face and he was looking at me like I was some kind of prey. “Let me go." Despite the fear, I manage to inflict authority in my voice. “Pagkatapos kitang patayin.”  Shivers ran down my spine as he tightened his grip. I flinched and tried to pull my arms but he’s much stronger. I scanned my eyes around hoping to find Flux but I realized I was too far from the party. Damn. “Sino ka?” I asked. I had to buy time. Maybe Flux will notice I’ve disappeared and then he’ll come looking for me. I bit my lip as I realized one thing. Will he come looking for me? I bet this will be of his delight knowing that the princess he wanted to tear the most will be killed. That’ll save him a sweat. “You don’t need to know. Sumama ka nalang. I don’t want to knock you off.” “You wish.”  Growing up with my brothers is really helpful. I did not realize it was stupid to kick a man twice my size, in the stomach. It knocked him off to the ground and it loosened his grip on my wrist. It was stupid, knowing that this man will not waste time to kill me. Yet it was effective. I ran as fast as I could and back to the party but I yelped in pain as I felt my scalp sting. The man grabbed me by the hair and dragged me. I tried knocking his hand off but it only broke my nails. I started screaming but the music swallowed my voice. I cried in pain as he lifted me off my feet using my hair. I felt his callused hands on my jaws, almost breaking it.  “You do not wish to escape. The last thing you’ll do is to piss the Curtizan.” And with those last words, I felt a scorching pain in the gut as his fist landed on it. My vision blurred and swirled. I heard gunshots and my world was swallowed by the darkness. * * * The morning sun peeping at my window was warm and comforting but the cold weather still prevailed. I rolled to my bed, pulled my comfortedr a little higher to my face and prayed that I could sleep all day and avoid all my tasks for today but I know it's not possible. I squinted my eyes and then I realized I was not home. I am on some kind of room. A room I am not familiar with. Napabangon ako sa kama and scanned my eyes around. And then I remembered what happened to me. My scalp still stings and I felt my jaw was dislocated. The pain in my stomach was still there after that bastard punched me. I stumbled to my feet as I tried to stand. I walked over the window and all I could see is a vast forest emitting fogs that contributed to the cold weather. Where on earth am I? A gentle knock made me jump to my feet. It did not wait for my reply dahil nakita ko ang pagbukas ng pinto at iniluwa doon ang isang lalakeng hindi ko pa nakita kahit kailan. He's wearing clothes still ordinary for me so I guess I'm not in some kind of a tribe that eats people. So again, where on earth am I? "I see you've awoken." He might me smiling kindly but I can't help to roll my eyes with his question. "Obviously." "So it's true. You're sharp tongued. And he managed not to slit your throat." "Should I be thankful? And who's he?" A smirk plastered on his face. And by the way he gestures his hands, how he stands, proud and tall, I knew he's a leader. I know when I see one. This guy is. And I wondered what kind of a leader he is.  "You'll know him soon enough. I just stopped by here to check on you." "Check on me? Right. In case you haven't noticed your window has bars and the door is locked. How do you expect me to escape?" "Are you being sarcastic, princess?" He smiled. Kindly. How do he manage that? Alam kong kating kati na siyang sakalin ako but he still maintained that smile. "Oh. Thankyou for noticing." I saw how his jaw clenched and his lips formed a thin line. Looking at him closely, he looked the same age as me only that he's more matured. I'll take account that maybe he is in fact a leader. By the aura he gives, he reminds me so much of Ares. "What do you want with me? And who are you?" "I was thinking you'd never ask. I am Kriven, Your Highness." He bowed slightly. "Not your name. You know what I mean." "They call me the Curtizan, Princess." "Curtizan? So you are a leader then?" I guessed. I clasped my hands on my back just like what he is doing. I did not wait for his answer. "If you are after my Father's throne, believe me, he himself is willing to give it up if you just ask him nicely. Oh well, he's about to retire soon and about time for Ares to take the position. I am a Princess yes, but believe me, holding me hostage is useless. If you wanted the throne, you kidnap my Dad or my twin brother." I heard him chuckled and I was lost for words because of this unexpected action. Looking from afar, we look like old friends chatting with what on earth has happened to our lives after years of not seeing each other but in truth, I am in an enemy's den with the predator in front of me who can kill me easily if he wanted to. An enemy I don't even know. "You think the throne is what we're after? You don't know us Princess. Of course, what am I expecting? We are, after all, a forgotten kingdom." "Forgotten Kingdom? Never heard of that. Not one of the Lesser Kingdoms?" "Being part of the Lesser Kingdom?" He pierced his eyes on me. "No." Confusion swallowed me whole. All I know is that there are huge Kingdoms like Oregon and Ithalia and the Lesser Kingdoms. I didn't know about the Forgotten Kingdom. "Tell me." I muttered before I can even stop myself. For years of taking classes on history, I have never hears of the Forgotten Kingdom. If what this man's saying about a forgotten kingdom, kailangan kong malaman. How come there's a forgotten kingdom? "This is the Kingdom of Sicily, Princess. I am sure you are familiar with the Lesser Kingdoms coming from the Oregon." "Yes, according to history, King Oregon I of House Tartarus blessed his sons and daughters a free will - to stay and have the throne or go and create a kingdom of their own. All his sons and daughters went forth and with the support of the king, built their own kingdoms known which later on called the Lesser Kingdoms for those Kingdoms was all from Oregon. But I've never heard of a kingdom Sicily." I recited. I can't forget this history because it was repeated over and over again by the Palace's scholars. "Indeed. King Oregon I gave all his support to today's Lesser Kingdoms. He gave all his support to his sons and daughters however, there's a piece of history that was not written. One of King Oregon's son, refused to go forth and instead, stayed by his father's side. He did not want to build his own kingdom. He wanted Oregon, the kingdom itself. Oregon was powerful after all and he wanted that. He waited for his father to make him the crown prince but it did not happen. He's not the oldest son so his father did not make him a crown prince. He was hurt and disappointed. His greed for power made him kill his own father and he fled, without a trace. No one remembered him after that. He then made his own kingdom yet as forgotten as he is, the kingdom flourished but then forgotten and never remembered." "There.. There was another son?" "Indeed. And his name was Sicily." I racked my brain to search about Sicily ngunit wala akong maalala. The name didn't even sound familiar. Just like what he said, it was totally forgotten, and erased in the face of history. "So..what exactly am I doing here?" I let out a small breath as I asked the question. Hindi ko alam kung ano itong pinasok ko. Why do I feel like trouble always finds its way to me? I stepped aside as he made his way to the window and overlooked the view of forest which, as I just noticed, started to fog more. His hands are still on his back, clasped tightly. "The people of Sicily is in deep crisis. We are a lone kingdom after all. We have no allegiance. If there's a battle, we fight alone. Our numbers are enormously decreasing either because of starvation, war or an epedemic. The mistake of the forgotten prince shouldn't be paid by the people. We need your help. Your Highness." He turned and looked at me. "After what your man did to me? Bakit kailangan mo pa akong ipakidnap? If you just asked me nicely, I'd be more than willing to help. I am a Princess of Oregon and I know by this time, my brothers are in search for me. You don't know what they're capable of. They can raid this Kingdom of yours to find me and before you know it they'll be causing havoc in here." Of course that's a lie. I don't even know if my brothers know I'm here. And even if they knew, they're not the type to cause havoc and hurting innocent people in the process. My brothers are trained soldiers before they were a prince. I looked sternly at the Curtizan and I saw sadness in his eyes. An emotion I can't bear to see. "If I could just approach you and talk about this, would you agree? Would you even listen? I once tried that one to your Father but he purposely cancels all the appointments I made." "My Father isn't like that!" "Oh trust me, Princess. He can't help a Kingdom like ours. Outcasted and feared. He thought that if he tried to form alliance with us, all the lesser kingdoms will turn their backs on Oregon." "All I ask with you Princess is to be their hope. To be my people's hope. Human beings tend to grab hold of every hope they could find. You, from one of the most powerful kingdom and a Princess at that is hope for them. For the people." I saw sorrow and desperation in his eyes. And right at that moment, I realized I am not in an enemy's lair. It felt like I was facing a lost child. A lost child desperate for hope. I have no knowledge of this kingdom nor I have knowledge on this people. What if they're barbarians? What if they're thieves? Ngunit tila wala nang pakialam ang utak ko. All I wanted is to help. I didn't even know what kind of help I have to offer. I exhaled deeply and then the most stupid thing escaped my mouth. "I will do whatever I can do." I saw his face lit up and a smile crossed his face. He bowed slightly. Hindi ko rin mapigilan mapangiti.  I remembered the man who abducted me said the word Curtizan. The way he said it, the Curtizan seemed like a cruel person. Me too, had the impression of a cruel peron but turns out, he was just doing whatever he can to protect the Kingdom. "So are we still at Urathra's Island?" "No, Princess. We are in Macedon." It took me a while to digest what he said. I was hoping I heard wrong. But no, it is loud and clear. Yes I expected I am not in Urathra's Island anymore but Macedon? "What!?" I put my hands on my head. How on earth.. Macedon is in the southernmost part. Cross is surely looking for me. Is he? And Pierce. I am sure the gunshot I heard before I passed out was his. I heaved a sigh. "How long have I been asleep?" "Two days." "Two days!?" "Yes. The physician doesn't have a choice but to put a powerful sedative on you to relax your muscle. I have already punished the man who abducted you. Punching you on the gut.." I saw he slightly winced. "Was out of my orders. I am deeply sorry for that." "Well, the damage is done and it doesn't hurt anymore. Thankyou." He bowed again and made his way to the door but before he got out of my room, he stopped and looked at me once again. "I will send you some escorts to clean you up and escort you to the Hall. Good morning, Princess." And with that he made his way out. I was left there still dumbfounded of the history and the fact that I am in Macedon. I can't believe the Palace's scholar didn't know about this forgotten kingdom. Or maybe they knew but chose not to tell anybody. If so, what could possibly be their reasons? I lay on the bed and it was surprisingly comfortable. I was consumed by my thoughts of the island. And eventually, my consciousness was slowly giving up making my dreams more visible. I guess that damned sedative is still in effect. * * *
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