A welcome treat

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14 years later. (Alisha P.O.V) "Take the world Shake and stir And that's what I got goin' on I throw my cares up in the air And I don't think they're comin' down Yeah, I love how it feels right now This is the life! Hold on tight! And this is the dream It's all I need! You never know where you'll find it And I'm gonna take my time, yeah I'm still getting it right This is the Life" My phone started ringing and I roam my hand here and there to get my phone to my ears. "Hillooo.," I said on the phone while look at the time in the clock. *Who in the right world call someone 6 in the morning* I thought and soon get my answer when Kanika answered it. "Hey girl," she said in a cheerful voice. "Really Kanika, Do you have check the time in the clock its 6 in the morning," I said to her while groaning in the phone. "I know, but I have some awesome new for you and I can't wait to share it with you," she said and I can see her smiling like an i***t on the phone. "What is it?" I said lazily in the phone while yawing loud. "Robert and his jokers are back from their training and joining the school to complete his last year of graduation," she said in the phone and I sit up in my bed fully awake. "What? Did I heard right?" I ask for confirmation. "Yup, you heard right," she said and I can see her smirking behind the phone. "Then you know what that means?" I ask her with an evil smirk on my face while holding my phone between my ear and shoulder and rubbing my hands together in excitement. "Yup, this means a welcoming threat," she said evilly and we both let out an evil laugh. "Call team A and inform them about it we will meet each other at the school early in the school today," I said to her while smiling evilly. "On it captain," she said while giving a salute to me on the phone and hang up on me. I get out of my bed and walk to my closet and decided to wear my blue rip jeans, red tank top and my favorite pair of Jordan's and a leather biker jacket. I walk to my washroom to get ready after I was over with taking a bath, I get dressed and brushed my hair then walk down to the dining room to have some breakfast. Let me tell you what were you missing first. From the day I join the school for supernatural the popular's as we call it or should I say Robert and his joker's team keep bothering me and friend. At first, the teacher's was there to stop them and help us but after some time they also stop to help us, they just stand there and watch us getting bullied. When I blackmail them that if they don't stop harassing us than I will tell everything to my mother. they started making fun of me that go, go and cry to your mother cry baby that all you can do after your nothing but a pathetic weak human. And that was it for me, at that time I have decided to give them a taste of my mind and decided to form the best prank squad to teach them a lesson. That squad members were me, Eva, Anush, and Kanika. I still remember there faces full of scratches and let me tell you it was hilarious. We have put the huge wild cats in their locker's when they had open it, she comes out and screech their faces so much that it started bleeding. God, it was a sight to see. We give the name of our team, team Alisha or team A squad in which I am the captain because I always have good ideas of the pranks. After our first prank, they increase, bullying us but after our other pranks, they learned a lesson and leave us alone. Another fairy Mia who is the daughter of the king of fairies also joins our group. Now back to present I walk down to the dining room with a huge smile on my face. "Good morning mom, dad," I said taking a seat next to dad in the table. "Good morning sweetie, you look happy today," dad said. "Why didn't she will be happy, her birthday is coming in a week, after all, she will be 18 and become an adult," mom said giving me a plate full of breakfast. "Yes, but that is not the reason," I said while putting a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Then what is the reason?" dad asks and suddenly mom smiled and shook her head on me. "What?" dad asked her all confused. "Robert and his jokers are coming back to school," I said to him with a smirk and dad give me high five saying now that's my girl. "So what on going on your mind? what's the plan?" dad asked looking all interested. Let me tell you I tell him and mom everything that happens in the school after my first prank at first he was very angry and want to kill them but mom stops him and at the same time very proud of me. Since that day dad and I comes very close to each other and become best friends. I share or should I say tell every prank that we were planning to do to him. "We haven't plan yet but we are going to met at the school early and plan a welcome treat for them," I said to him with an evil smirk. "Need any help," he asks smiling like a little child who got a chance to meet his favorite hero. "No can do," I said and he pouts making us laugh and he join us soon. Soon I was done eating with my breakfast and run to my baby A red Audi converter. Be ready popular's you don't know what is waiting for you. With that thought, I get inside the driver seat, set one of my favorite songs in a high voice on the radio and drive away to the school.
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