Seeing A Lycian

1022 Words

(Alisha P.O.V) I awoke to the sound of howls in the distance. It was dark, I had to know idea where I was. I tried looking around for any signs to tell me where I was, but the moment I tried to move my body ached with so much pain I cried out. I pushed through the pain and stood to my feet only to fall back on the ground due to the unbearable pain that shot through my foot. I couldn’t see very far because it was so dark, my mind raced as I tried to remember how I got here. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. He said we were mates and I ran like the coward I used to be. I hated myself for being so stupid, I let that scared little girl push back through and look where that got me.... in the middle of the woods.... late at night...tried standing again but it was no use, my ankle hurt too m

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