Party Time

1191 Words
(Kanika P.O.V) After reaching home we eat our lunch and goes to our room to have some rest. We get up at 5:30 pm and get ready for We rushed into Alisha room and she called dibs on showering first. Damn! As soon as we all freshened up we looked through the dresses mum bought for us so we can find ones we liked. After trying on, what felt like the 50th dress, she finally found the perfect one. It was a deep royal blue one-shoulder dress that reached mid-thigh with silver swirls around the waist leading up to a black lace pattern on the top. It wasn’t too girly, it gave her an edgy look. She matched it with a pair of black stilettos. Eva dress that reached mid-thigh was violet with splashes of bright colors. You would think it would look weird but it actually has a funky look; suits her personality. Mia’s was a body fitting, blood red dress that reached just above her knees and it hugged her hourglass figure beautifully. It was simple yet elegant - just like her. She paired it with her black pumps. Mine was a midnight black long gown without the shoulder and which shows all my curves perfectly. Imatch it with a pair of black plumps and black diamond earring which match perfectly and wear it. After doing their makeup they literally held me hostage in their clutches as they began their assault on my face. I’m perfectly happy without makeup but guess what? They don’t give me a choice. When they finish they take me to the long length mirror and showed me their ‘masterpiece’. We all stood admiring each other’s beauty and handiwork. “I must say, we look damn fine tonight ladies.” Riley giggles. “Couldn’t agree with you more, the boys won’t know what hit them.” Thea grinned. “Come on, it’s time to party! knock ’em dead girls.” I winked and formed a group hug. We burst through the door in excitement only to slam straight into Anush, who was waiting outside the room for us and knocked him over. “See. what did I tell ya’ we already knocked this one off his feet? We have that effect on people. More specifically boys.” I smirk and help Jase up. I gave him a once over, “You clean up good bro.” I complimented. “As do you my lovelies.” he winks. (Alisha P.O.V) We descend down the stairs together but are instantly broken apart by my overly excited mother who snatched me into a hug, “Ali you look so beautiful. You look so grown up!” She gushed with teary eyes. Dad comes up behind me and holds both of us “No matter how old I get I’ll always be your little princess, daddy,” I assure him. Ok enough of this emotional funny business, you’re spoiling my makeup!“. Dad and I stifle our laughs. Mum darts off to get the cake ready and tells me to ‘mingle’. I walk towards my friends and started talking to them when I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Honey I want to meet you Mrs. Samantha and Mr. Liam Dawson queen and king of all the werewolf,” my mother said while introducing me with Robert's parent. “Happy birthday darling, I am really sorry that Robert and his friend can’t able to come because something raise and he has to leave for some important work,” she said while looking apologetic. “It’s okay Mrs. Dawson I can understand,” I said with a small simile on my face but in inside I was dancing from inside more than happy to know that he can’t able to come to spoil the party. “I have heard what he did with you and your friend and I also know how you guys teach them their lesson, your mother tell everything to me and I want to scold them for their behavior towards you but your mother stops me from doing that. I am very proud of you they really deserve that, and I also apologize for them, ” she said with a sad smile on her face. “You are 18 now right? ” she asks and I only nodded my head as a yes. “I wish that you were my sons mate, I know you don’t want to be his mate after what he has done with you but it will make me happy to know there is that there is someone who not only you will look after him but also keeps him in his limits, and on the ground,” she said giving me the shock of my life. I was about to say something but cut off by my father. “Come on everyone it’s time to cut the cake, come, Alisha, ” my dad shouted at everyone to gain their attention. I cut the cake while everyone sings a birthday song for me, I cut the cake and feed it to my parents. Then everyone wishes me a happy birthday while giving me in their gift. After that dad ask me to have a dance with me and I accepted it gladly. After it Jared ask me for a dance and I accept while dancing I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see it was Josh, he wished me happy birthday and throw a piece of cake all over my face. I stand in shock for a few seconds before ripping a scream. “Oops. My bad , my hand slipped,” he smirks in an oh-so-innocent voice and bulleted out the back door of the garden but before he can do it I take a piece of cake from the tray which was carried by the maid and throw it towards him but he dodges it and it falls on Sophia’s face. She looks around her surrounding to find the culprit but before she can look at me I tried to hide from her but that bastard Josh tells her that it was me. “Oh no you not,” she said and throw a cupcake at me but I dodge it and it hits on uncle Avis face. And so the food fight between all us including our elders are started between us. We fight for some time, then a maid comes to us announcing that the main course was ready to serve in the garden so we all go to the garden to have dinner. So the whole night went in dancing, playing games and laughing at each other until everyone got tired and my father announced that the party was over. After the party, we take our depart and goes to our rooms to get change in comfortable clothes and fall asleep.
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