Hope I would not regret this

1373 Words
Rose's POV Wait, why did you do that," I scolded Eve, following her to her room. ''Tyler, you're welcome, I just did you a huge favor, and you don't need to thank me, I'm just selfless like that," she chuckled, sitting down on the bed with a huge smile on her face. ''But I didn't ask for this, I was going to give him an excuse not to go," I whined, stomping my foot just like a little girl. '' And that was why I helped you out T, you were going to make the biggest mistake of your life," she answered, still with a smile on her face. God you know I hate it when you call me T," I rolled my eyes at her as I took my seat on the bed, still grumbling. ''Tyler, it is time you started dating and finding love. It's been 3 months since you moved here and I have not seen you with any other person but me," she mumbled softly, shifting her weight a little to my side. ''So are you tired of being my only friend," I asked with my arms across my chest as I glared at her with curiosity in my eyes. ''No Tyler, that is not what I'm saying, you know I love being your friend, but you need to meet new people," she let out. “But I met your friends last night, they are new people, right," I tried to protest. ''Tyler, you know that does not count," Eve rolled her eyes, hitting me lightly. ''Okay, let me put it like this so that you will understand better," she chuckled. “ You need to meet new people who are also willing to have s*x with you and I don't think my friends want to do that with you, so that leaves Liam and he is one heck of a specimen," Eve smirked and also winked weirdly at me. ''Oh freaking hell Eve," I screamed, totally grossed out by her words. '' But I'm right, you know I'm right, don't you? Okay, let me ask you this. When was the last time you actually did it and I don't mean with a vibrator?” she asked, grinning wildly. ''Eve! No stop, I'm not going to answer that," I yelled, rolling my eyes. ''No come on Tyler, tell me," she urged me to speak. ''Or are you a virgin, because it is okay if you are?" Her eyes opened wide in shock as she looked at me like a science experiment. ''God Eve, No I'm not, calm your horses," I muttered as I unconsciously lowered my head, looking down at my feet. My thoughts slowly drifted back to the torment and the abuse I had to endure with Keith, as my heart twinged so hard in my chest just at the mere thought of him, forcing himself on me each day. s*x with Keith wasn't about pleasure but more of an obligation I had to fulfill whether I was up for it or not. “No I had to stop thinking about this," I scolded myself, but soon Eve's voice snapped me out of my raging thoughts. ''Hi, Tyler. I lost you there for a second. What were you thinking about," she asked me. ''No, it was nothing, "I said, smiling back at her. “Okay then, so what do you say? Are you going to go on this date," she asked with her fingers crossed. Looking at her, I knew I had no choice because when Eve is set on something, nothing could convince her otherwise. '' Okay fine, you win, so it looks like I have a date to go to," I giggled softly. ''Yes, and you won't regret it, trust me," she smiled, hugging me tightly. So Saturday is in 4 days, so we have limited time to get you ready," she sighed with a frustrated look on her face. ''But Eve, it's just a date, right? I get dressed and go for it," I let out, not really sure why she was making so much fuss about this whole thing. ''Look here, my dear Tyler," she whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair in slow motion. ''I'm fully involved in your love life now, so that means I'm in charge, and I can't have you going on a date looking all shabbily dressed," she smirked. ''So on that note, we are going to the mall, right now," she particularly ordered. But," I tried to protest but, as always, it fell on deaf ears and before I realized what was going on, I was at the mall picking out a dress. ......................................................... Saturday came so quickly, and I was nervous as hell, it had been a while since I had actually been out on a date, so I was literally freaking out. ''Calm down Rose, it's just a date," I said to myself, taking in a deep breath trying to calm my raging nerves. Eve, on the other hand, wasn't making this any easy, since she took interest in my love life, and that was also my date with Liam. I haven't had any breathing space. So today was no exception. “Tyler get in here, I need to see how you look in the dress," she yelled. Walking into the room slowly, Eve's eyes shone brightly as she saw me in the dress. ''Oh my God, you look exceptional. The goodness of love and beauty has indeed blessed this day," she smiled. ''But first, your hair and makeup, let me do it for you please," she begged me and I just couldn't say no. So I sat still allowing her to work her magic, and I must say, having had my makeup done before in the past by real professionals. Eve was indeed good at this. She really brought out my natural beauty. ''It was so strange not having to conceal and hide away my bruises and cuts under loads of makeup like I normally do. And this right here is the genuine me, the real me," I smiled to myself. 'Tyler, you look beautiful," Eve complimented me as I could see the tears forming in the corners of her eyes. ''Thank you, Eve, you have outdone yourself with me today," I laughed, just trying to make her laugh as well. “Stop, just get going Tyler, before I start crying and I will ruin your dress," Eve chuckled. Liam said he was going to send a car over to take me to the restaurant, so I think I have to wait for a little bit," I replied and Eve nodded as she walked out of the room. A few minutes later, she busted in screaming. Tyler, you won't believe this, so I decided to cyber stalk our new friend Liam and look at what I found," she squealed, handing me her phone to have a look. Looking down at her phone, I saw Liam in a fancy house which was filled with luxurious cars. ''He is rich, can you believe it, and he is the owner of Paige tech," she yelled. '' I knew he had a good head on his shoulder when I saw him that day," she chuckled, looking down at me. ''No, this can not be happening again, he is this rich," I asked myself as I quivered at the mere thought of getting into another abusive relationship with yet another influential monster. What if Liam is just like Keith, acting just like a sweet saint in the beginning but then turning out to be a dreaded monster in the end? ''But can I take this chance to find out? What if the pattern repeats itself?'' I said to myself. Heavens knows I couldn't survive going through the same thing yet again, but before I could even think of whether to stay or to go, Eve pulled me up from the chair. “Come on Tyler, you have to get going, your ride is here," she said, pulling me to the door and before I knew it, I was on my way to the restaurant with only one thought in my mind. “Hope I will not regret this. "
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