Episode 21

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 21 – Not so Mighty Now Elizabeth’s P.O.V “Wake up, Princesse. You have a big debut today,” Amelia whispered into my ear and I rolled on the bed, covering my ears with my hands to block out her voice and begging for one more hour of sleep. I felt like I needed to sleep for two days without being disturbed by anyone, but I guess we don’t always get what we want sometimes. “What time is it, Amelia?” I yawned as loud as I could, thought I wasn’t sure if that resulted from me still being hungry and capable of eating an elephant all by myself or because I was still sleepy. “It’s time to make your return to the company the most memorable one you could think,” she smiled as she dragged my lazy ass up from the bed and hugged me so warmly. “What would I ever do without your beautiful hugs?” I smiled. “Absolutely nothing at all,” she giggled. She let go of me and went to get my cloth ready for the main event while I had done to take a shower and get ready as well. I was out of the shower in about thirty minutes and after an hour of battling on which cloth to wear and what accessories to go with them, the both of us were ready to go. “You look perfect, babe,” my cheeks burned red at Amelia’s compliment and this was the first time someone ever helped me get dressed for an event, that is asides my mom. “The limo is waiting for us outside the hotel building, and I have notified Richard and Lillian that they need to be present at Rose Corp. for a meeting,” Amelia informed me. She seemed to be loving playing the role of my secretary and, honestly; I was very glad she was getting familiar with things after just a night in Puerto Rico. We left the hotel like Queens which we are and arrived at the company after a forty-five-minute drive which was very much uncomfortable as Luke had hired me a new driver who knew nothing about my likes and dislikes. The military team Andrew had requested to work for me were crawling all over the company building, checking for possible threats, and it was quite annoying seeing them everywhere I went to. I was going to dismiss them at the end of the day. Hopefully, if they would listen to me, that is. Walking down the hallway with Amelia by my side, the employees were stunned to see me return after I had been gone for a week without saying a word to anyone in the office. I was quite sure that my uncle must have told them some juicy lie to prevent them worrying about me like he did when I was gone two years. The soldiers walking with me and Amelia opened the door for us and we walked into the boardroom, holding hands and wide smiles on our faces. Everyone was already seated and waiting for us in the boardroom, all of course; except my sneaky uncle, Constantine. He arrived shortly after I had entered the boardroom with Amelia and he sat at the extreme of the table, opposite the CEO’s chair, which I presumed he left vacant for me to occupy, but something about his smile pissed me off. “The board meeting may now begin,” Uncle Constantine declared and within seconds, I was being asked tons of questions about my sudden disappearance and knowing that my uncle may or may not have had an idea that I was kidnapped, I would have to flow with whatever lie he had told the board members before my return. “Miss Mondragon, where have you been?” Mr. Frank asked with a stern look on his face and I honestly did not know what to say to him or to Mr. Paul. Mr. Frank always wanted me to come to him for advice before doing anything that could put the company at risk, and he always wanted to know of my whereabouts. Uncle Constantine gave me a knowing smile and honestly, I could actually use the save from him at the moment because I had nothing in mind to say. He cleared his throat gently, attracting the attention of the board. “Elizabeth, how did the business trip go?” I looked at him with a weak smile, “it was very wonderful Uncle Constantine. I’d actually love to introduce us to the newest Rose Corp. business partners and old friends of mine.” Richard and Lillian stood from their seats right on cue and bowed gracefully before the board of directors. “Everyone, this is Richard Lim, CEO of Lim Sardines and his fiancé and legal counsellor, Lillian,” I added as they both went round, shaking the board of directors before retiring to their seats. I informed them of the details of the deal I had offered Richard, which he accepted and of my plans to build a new headquarters for him right here in Puerto Rico. I also enlightened them about the new machines I wanted the company mechanical department to work on, which would help in speeding up the production of sardines in the company. I was speaking authoritatively as a CEO of the company, but none of the board members seemed convinced with what I was saying as they all turned to Uncle Constantine to hear what he had to say. “Elizabeth, this is wonderful news, but you should have consulted Mr. Frank and I before finalizing a huge deal such as this one,” Uncle Constantine declared with a mischievous smirk. “And why would I do that?” I asked, not sure of what he was playing at right now, but I was pretty sure that whatever it was, I wasn’t going to like it. Uncle Constantine stood to his feet smiling, “Because I am your CEO!” he announced and Amelia, Richard and I were stunned by what he said. Lillian didn’t seem to care less about who the CEO of the company was, as she had never liked me from the very first day we met. Uncle Constantine’s secretary walked in with a document in hand and gave it to Amelia to read through it before she handed it over to me. “This seems really bad, Elizabeth,” Amelia whispered into my ear as she showed me the contents of the document. It was a handover note for the position of CEO, signed by me and reinstating my uncle as the new CEO until he and the council deemed me fit to run the affairs of the company. “But I didn’t sign this document. There must be some mistake of some sort,” I protested, but the board seemed convinced of their actions. Mr. Paul, who had his face glued to his phone screen throughout the conversation in the room, stood to his feet and lifted his briefcase. He didn’t seem pleased with what was going on in the company and he had lost all interest in the board meeting going on. “Miss. Mondragon, Mr. Constantine, you both need to have a little chitchat about how things are going to down here from this week and I mean a proper discussion as educated businessmen and women,” he uttered as he walked out of the board meeting. My Uncle was furious that he had walked out on a meeting which he hadn’t declared dismissed, but Mr. Paul was vulgar and didn’t care what position you occupied. He would still do whatever it was that he wanted to do. My heart was beating faster than it should and I desperately needed some fresh air, but of course, I had to respect my uncle and stay he dismissed the board meeting, even though I didn’t want to. I couldn’t afford to walk out on him and let him use that to ruin my name before the board. Richard offered to help me get outside, but Amelia refused. She knew about everything that had transpired between me and Richard, and she hated him so much for what he did to me. Lillian didn’t also take his kind gesture to lead me out the board room nicely as she almost throws a tantrum in the office, but somehow, she found the control button on her attitude. “This meeting is dismissed,” Uncle Constantine declared, and he walked out with his secretary. Mr. Frank gave me a lingering, pitiful look, and it only made me furious at him. He knew fully well of how much I despised my uncle being in control of my father’s company, his legacy and achievements. “Everything is going to be fine,” Mr. Frank assured me before walking out of the boardroom and so did Richard and Lillian and the rest of the board members and I was left alone with Amelia holding on to me and keeping my brain in place before I did something stupid. She walked me to my office to clear my head, and we hoped to be alone for the meantime, but Luke and Dorian showed up out of the blue and they seemed tense more than I was. “Lizzie, are you alright?” Luke asked me on noticing how much I was sweating and panting uncontrollably. “Uncle Constantine just claimed back the position of CEO of Rose Corp.,” I informed him, and his face became bluer than when he had walked into the room with Dorian. Amelia narrated everything that had gone down at the board meeting to him but it felt more like they were flirting with each other instead of exchanging vital information and Dorian was standing by my side, massaging my back without me requesting for it but I was enjoying it. “So why are you and Dorian here, anyway? I thought you both were going to the hospital to keep yourselves busy?” I inquired of the both of them. Luke brought out a phone from his pocket and it was one that seemed familiar to me, but I wasn’t so sure about that, at least until he spoke. “We found new evidence in London that should be enough to reopen mum and dad’s murder case” he declared as he handed me the phone in his hands and I realized that it belonged to my dad. “How did you get dad’s phone?” I yelled, but he and Dorian hushed me from speaking any louder to avoid my uncle finding out what we knew, as he had ears almost everywhere. “It’s actually a very long story, but I could cut it short,” Luke sighed. He told me of his multiple attempts with Dorian to find me and how they ended being stopped by a second division of Puerto Rico army in London when they went to look into the lead they had found at the hospital. “So let me get this straight. There’s a Puerto Rico military group using the scene of our parent’s murder as their base and you happened to find dad’s phone in the office of their commander,” I said and Luke and Dorian nodded their head in approval. “Yeah, that’s absolutely it,” Luke responded, and I took a moment to take in everything they had just told me. I could feel my head spinning and I was pretty sure it was going to explode anytime soon. “What do we do?” Amelia asked, and I had just the right answer to that. “Everyone get yourself ready, we’re going to pay General Scout a visit,” I announced and Amelia looked at me with a worried look on her face. “Who is General Scout?” she asked, and I didn’t actually have the time to respond to her as we all filed out of my office and took the elevator to the first floor and out of the building. Luke’s car was parked outside so we decided to go with him instead of going in separate cars and I ended up seating at the back of the car with Dorian. It was a weird drive to the barracks as Luke and Amelia seemed to bond effortlessly while I was still busy playing dumb and hard to get with a guy who was clearly into me. We got to army headquarters, and it was quite hard to get in and see General Scout, as it clearly seemed like he was doing his best to avoid any private meeting with anyone from the Mondragon family. We finally got into his office and there he was, doing nothing but staring at his phone screen. “General Scout, what the hell is going on? Why are you ignoring us?” I asked him and he snubbed my question. Luke walked up to his table and dragged his phone out of his hand, causing a little uproar from the General who wasn’t pleased with us disturbing his privacy. “Miss. Mondragon, you shouldn’t be here, and especially with your friends and your cocky brother,” he yelled, but I didn’t care about what he had to say. “We just want to talk with you, General Scout. If only you would lend us a few minutes of your time?” Amelia mumbled under her breath and General Scout relaxed a bit. It was either whatever Amelia said got through to him or it was from the way Dorian stared at him like a hawk about to pounce on a snake. “You have ten minutes to say whatever it is you want to tell me,” General Scout said as she finally made eye contact with me. Luke dropped the phone on his table and he stared at it awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do with it, and I told him what it was. I informed him that it was my dad’s phone, and that we had found it somewhere in London, leaving out the fact that we found it at my parent’s murder scene and also not telling him about our run in with the Puerto Rico army at London as well but he seemed to have an idea of all of that already. “Miss. Mondragon, I am fully aware of everything that happened in London, your kidnap, your brothers run in with my lower division and also him stealing something important from the commander,” General Scout uttered and we did not but stare at him in utter shock. He sighed as he stood from his seat and walked up to me and Luke, making eye contact with Dorian for a few seconds, which was now getting extremely suspicious. “My men will not be getting involved with your parent’s murder case anymore, Miss. Mondragon. I am truly sorry that we won’t be of much help,” he said as he signaled for us to leave his office, but I wouldn’t budge. “General Scout, I will file an order to the court if you refuse my request,” I demanded, and he scuffed. “You no longer have the powers of a Mondragon as you no longer yield your position in the company. Now, get out,” He commanded and a group of soldiers walked in and we were thrown out of his office.
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