"Apologize to Kylie" Declan demands, his voice echoing around the silent corridor. The mate bond is obviously strong or Declan is an id*ot, or maybe he never knew Ember, or maybe he is just a blind id*ot, flaunting his powers because for the moment he feels stronger than Ember, the girl with no backup, he wants to lay the boot in while she is down to make him feel better about her lack of pining for him. Or maybe Kylie is just vindictive and Declan is a stupid sheep. Slap. "I am sorry that your acting is so terrible, there are classes to rectify the situation, so don't feel too bad" Slap Declan finally hits her. He hits her with all his strength, it is an open hand slap, but it causes her head to turn to the side, Ember's lip splits and a small trickle of blood runs down her ch