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Morning broke and she woke up. Much to her relief. She heard Killian out of the cave and he was talking to someone. At nang lumabas siya para tingnan kung aning kausap nito ay halos atakihin siya sa puso. Hindi niya alam kung epekto ba iyon ng muling pagkabuhay at nakalimutan niya kung anong klaseng kapangyarihan mayroon ang lalake. She forgot Killian is a Conjurer. Someone who could summon the Shadows and have them follow his commands. She is an Elemental. Though she isn't sure what she is now. She couldn't feel the usual hum of her fire inside her. Kung nawala ito sa kanya, takot siyang alamin. But she could feel something immense in her. Something she doesn't know if she can contain. She cleared her throat and both of them whirled in her direction. She already saw two of Killian's Shadow Demons but this one in front of her was different. It was a woman. An 8 feet tall Shadow Demon. Her shadowy hair was wavy and her eyes were slanted. It narrowed when she beheld her. "This is Moondin," Killian introduced and he also introduced her to the Demon in a language she's not familiar with. And when Killian was done, she could have sworn the Shadow Demon, Moondin, huffed something before she bowed to Killian and strode off somewhere. She didn't even so much as glance at her before she went away. Not that she minds it, anyway. "She doesn't like me," she started and walked closer towards Killian. Hala naman kasi. Kahit pa isa iyong shadow demon, it was still a woman. Someone devoted to Killian. But Killian just gave her a look. As if silently asking if she's fine. She sighed. "I'm fine. I ... I still couldn't believe most of it but I'm on the process." Killian just nodded and they were covered in awkward silence. "Where is she going?" she finally dared to ask. "Asked her to deliver the news to the others. Our supposed to be meeting is still two months away. I had Moondin deliver that we're meeting there in Viles in a few days." "Viles? How far is this?" "Everybody knew Killian Archeron just stole the dead body of the Princess. They'd be hunting me now. And I need to lie low with my magic or else we'll be detected. I could only use a small amount of magic at a time. And nobody should know you're alive." Of course. Killian's magic is insanely strong that it would be easy to spot him. He's sure he doesn't mind that much. He's far too confident to be scared of others detecting him. He was doing this for her. To protect her. To keep her life a secret. "Summoning your Shadows doesn't take a lot of your magic?" "No. Summoning them doesn't take a lot. And besides, they have their own magic power though identical to mine. But I doubt they would catch my Demons." "So what we're going to go there the traditional way?" "Exactly. I hate it as much as you. But right now, we don't have a choice. I sent one of my Demons to Maynederlev—" "Maynederlev?" "The name of our mansion. I hope my dearest brother would hear my Shadow demon out and listen to what I instructed Moondin to tell him." She stared at the expanse of the forest below them. She couldn't see Lancaster from where they are now. And she doesn't have any idea where they are. At hindi siya makapaniwalang nasa labas siya ngayon. Miles away from homemade her realize that it was real. What happened was real and that her father's death. At ang lalakeng mahal niya ang may kagagawan. Her heart doesn't want to believe it. But her mind shouts rage. She's mad that her father didn't tell her or at least warn her. She's mad that she was too weak to fight and that she was too blinded with love that she didn't stand up against Alistair and just let him kill her and her father. She's mad that she was alive. She doesn't deserve it. "My father..." "Alastair told the whole Kingdom it was you who caused his death. He is giving him a proper burial," Killian said and looked at her. "Listen, I know you wanted to be there at this moment but you know why we're running away. Al didn't hesitate to kill you. And he will not hesitate to do it again if he knows you are alive. As much as possible," he said, standing up, "we can't let them know you are alive." Napayuko siya. "Kill," she called dahilan para mapatingin sa kanya ang lalake. "Did my father knew who's going to kill him?" If her father knew it was Al from the very beginning, hindi niya mapapatawad ang sarili niya. "Did my father know it's going to be...Al?" Killian shook his head. "He didn't. He didn't know it was going to be him." Napapikit siya nang mariin. Now that it dawned on her, she is a Queen without a throne. And now she realized another enemy is looming. Something her father has foreseen. And she could feel it's not something that should be ignored. Not when it's included in the prophecy. The prophecy her father saw. Hindi niya alam kung ano ang mas masama, ang kalaban niya na nasa trono niya o ang kalaban na paparating pa lang. * * * She's starting to get used to her legs. It was strange, knowing that those were her legs in the first place. It was like she has been dead for how many years that her own body was foreign to her. But it was her body and she has to rule it. With that mindset, she gained control fast. Killian walked ahead and she followed a few steps behind. She watched Killian's back. She saw how he got herbs to treat the wound he got on his temple. She didn't get the chance to ask where he got the wound. Probably when he was saving her. She looked around, gathering familiar herbs she studied and was able to remember. When Killian decided for them to stop and rest—so she'll be able to rest—Killian sat by the rock and tried healing his wounds again. Nagdesisyon siyang lapitan ito. "Let me treat you," she offered. Killian looked at her briefly before he nodded. If it were another situation, Killian would have said something to tease her but at the moment, he didn't. He might think it's not the right time for his teasing and bantering that he stayed silent. She's still in mourning for her father's death and her almost death. Tinanggal niya ang bandage na nakatali sa lalake para takpan ang sugat. She winced as she saw how nasty it became. She carefully removed the herbs mixed with dried blood. And then, she felt something in her. Something that wants to do something. It felt like it was trapped in her and wants to get out. It didn't feel uncomfortable, it just felt full. Like it needed a release. So she closed her eyes to calm it down. Ngunit ang buong akala niya'y napakalma na niya ito. Nang buksan niya ang mga mata niya, napasinghap siya sa nakita. Killian's wounds have healed. At siya ang may kagagawan. Napatingin si Killian sa kanya at nanlalaki rin ang mga mata nito. Tiningnan niya ang mga kamay. Hindi siya makapaniwala sa nangyari. It's her body and yet after she came back from the dead, her body felt foreign. And she's exploring the unknown parts one by one. "How...?" tanong niya habang nakatingin sa kanyang mga kamay. Napahawak naman si Killian sa ulo kung saan naroon ang sugat na naghilom saka ito napatingin sa kanya. "That's Crymsen." Napakunot ang noo niya. "Crymsen? A kingsguard?" Tumango naman si Killian. "You got her healing powers." Napalunok naman siya habang nakatingin pa rin sa mga kamay niya. Once upon a time, she just had fire. Ngayon, she has healing powers too. She studied her hand as she still couldn't believe she was able to heal a wound. Tumayo naman si Killian. "After I gave you the Kingstone to bring you back to life, you also got the powers inside the Kingstone. Seven powers to be exact since all seven Kingsguard have given a portion of their power into that stone."  Tumayo na rin siya at nakatingin sa lalake. "So that means, I also a portion of your power?"  Killian nodded at kinuha ang mga tuyong dahon sa kamay niya saka ito inilagay sa isang tela at itinago. "A possibility. It might come out when you need them but for now, let's take it one step at a time." Nagsimulang maglakad ang lalake at sumunod naman siya dito agad.  They were inside a forest. The trail was wide enough for a wagon at halatang may dumadaan nga doon.  "What are their powers?" tanong niya kay Killian habang nauna itong maglakad.  He looked at her over his shoulders and said, "Well, there's me, the Conjurer. Alam mo na anong kaya kong gawin and it will only be a matter of time bago natin makita kung anong naman mo galing sa akin."  He faced her while walking backward. "And there's Tatiana Crymsen. Her main ability is healing. She's from Emberlane and she's a fairie. Aside from healing, she also has Earth magic which basically focuses on growing plants and herbs for her healing potions."  So she got the healing power of Tatiana. So far, ito palang ang naramdaman niya.  "And then we have Alaric. He's from the Assassin's Fortress. His power is mainly on wind magic which means he could fly. Then there's Maybel Whitdur, someone who's also a descendant of the dragons like you. Aillard Salvatere from the Emberlane and is a shapeshifter. Clayde Algeroy from the North, a warlock. And lastly is Ansley Briar, from the Dragon's Lair and aside from being a fire user, she could also use ice." Killian then turned his back from her.  "So I got portions of their powers?"  "Yes. But you have to be careful, Princess, those are strong powers. If not honed properly, it will eat you alive. Which is something we don't want to happen to the future Queen of Terrasen. Kaya kailangan nating mahanap ang iba. They could teach you how to control your powers at your will."  Bigla naman siyang natahimik at naalala ang buhay niya noon sa loob ng palasyo. Everything was easy. And she never realized how easy she had it until she was banished from its walls. She never really cared about her powers before at ginagamit lang niya ito para magsindin ng mga kandila sa kwarto niya o pasabugin ang mga bagay kapag naiinis siya. The last thing she remembered that she used her powers was during her time in the Assassin's Fortress where she and Marceline fought against a sand wraith.  Hindi niya kailanman binigyang-pansin ang kapangyarihan hanggang sa pinakitaan siya ni Marceline ng mga posibilidad sa kanyang kapangyarihan. Noon, sa isip niya'y marami namang magpoprotekta sa kanya kaya wala na siyang nakitang rason para pagalingin pa ang sarili niya.  But she does excel in archery. It was something she's confident at doing. At naalala naman niya ang huling beses na nakahawak siya ng pana ay noong dumating si Alastair sa palasyo at sinorpresa siya. Kumirot ang dibdib niya. Hindi niya pa rin akalain na magagawa ni Al iyon sa kanya. He was so sweet, so gentle, so soft-spoken. She never saw everything behind those sweet smiles and sweet swords because she was too blinded and she hated herself for that. She hated herself for loving Alastair.  Napansin naman ni Killian ang pananahimik niya kaya napahinto ito sa paglalakad at humarap sa kanya. She looked at him, wondering why he'd stop ngunit nakatingin lang din ito sa kanya.  "I can tell you're thinking about that bastard again," he said. Coldness laced his voice kaya nag-iwas siya ng tingin dito.  "What do you know?"  He scoffed. "You've been always been bad at lying, Katharine. Since we were kids. And you're lying right now. I could clearly see the tears threatening to fall from your eyes."  Marahas niyang pinahid ang mga luha at masamang tumingin sa lalake. "What do you care if I cry? Just let me be. If it bothers you, then I will cry in silent para hindi kita maistorbo--"  Hindi niya natapos and sasabihin nang bigla siyang hatakin ng lalake at hagkan. His hand was on her head, pushing her gently to his chest. And his other hand was on her wrist, gripping tightly.  "I'm not saying it's bothering me. I'm saying that there's no point in hiding it to me dahil alam ko ang nararamdaman mo. It's okay to cry. You have reasons to cry. And for the record, your crying does not bother me. You seem to have forgotten how I love to make you cry when we were kids."  Her lips quivered at his words. Hindi niya napigilan ang luha na tumutulo sa mga mata niya. And then she started to sob. Hindi niya ito pinigilan dahil alam niyang kailangan niya itong ilabas. She doesn't care kung may makakarinig, though she doubts it if somebody else would hear dahil sila lang naman ang naroon. And Killian smelled of citrus and sweat and everything else that reminded her of home. Kaya hindi na niya pinigilan ang mga kamay niyang hagkan ito at mas lalo pa niyang siniksik ang kanyang mukha sa dibdibd ng lalake.  And Killian just stood and listened to her ugly sobs.  It was moments later that she finally calmed down that she felt embarrassed for what she did. Akmang magpapasalamat na siya sa lalake nang may marinig silang nabaling sanga ng kahoy. Killian was alert in an instant and before she could even move, Killian pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, perfectly covering her face. And then she felt an immense amount of power ngunit nang tingnan niya ito, she couldn't see anything around Killian's body. Usually, their auras would leak out but Killian hid his aura just in case.  And she hid behind him. If these are people from the castle, Killian will have no choice but to kill all of them if they happen to see Killian with a woman.  And they heard the rustling of the bushes hanggang sa may lumabas na lalake na may hawak na palakol. Malaki ang pangangatawan nito at may malaki itong peklat sa mukha telling her that it was once a nasty wound.  She felt Killian's hand nudging her to hid behind him as she saw more of the people coming out of the bushes bringing with them different kinds of weapons. It was then that she remembered stories about bandits, ambushing wagons, and travelers, and robbing them of money.  "Killian--"  "Don't talk. Just stay behind me. These people are opportunists. If they recognize you, they'll report to the palace and I'll have to kill them. I don't want to kill bandits. Not today."  Naintindihan naman niya ito kaya itinikom niya ang bibig niya. She saw him take a step forward and stood in his fighting stance. Nakita naman niyang ngumisi ang mga kawatan as they saw a man, weaponless, and looked rich.  But in her mind, she thought, ignorance will never be bliss.  * * *
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