Chapter 6

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“I think we should keep a low profile, since the city most likely has gone on red alert because of someone’s little stunt.” Mastermind looked directly at Kari and she instantly looked away, “It doesn’t matter. We have got to get out of the city one way or another. We need a plan.” Kari felt someone lean on her shoulder. She looked over to see Gabriel standing up for her, “Yes we can’t just waltz through the front gate and say, ‘hi there we’re the rebels, and we’re leaving, your city. Bye’.” Kari looked at Fire Fairy, and everyone looked at her. “Thanks for pointing out the obvious Fire fairy.” she leaned on mastermind and he grunted. “Its cool we can get out. I could burn a hole through the wall…” “No, that would harm a lot of the people here.” Gabriel seemed so stern, but in the door frame Death snorted. His hazel brown hair shook, “Hmm, then its inevitable we have to leave through one of the four exits of the city.” He cleared his throat, “Even though it’s a suicide mission to get there would be a task because only two of us can fly, one of us can travel through shadows, but what about the other two.” “I can travel with death, it’s not a problem.” Mastermind went and stood by Death, “And Kari can fly I think.” Everyone looked at Kari and she stood frozen, “Wait can you fly?” Death invaded her personal space and looked at her, “I’ve never tried... I recently found out that I was a mutant... so I don’t know.” She began to play with her white hair, she felt called out, “Well, we don’t have that kind of time to figure it out. We’re just going to have to wing it.” Mastermind pulled a notepad out and he stepped forward, “We must have some sort of plan or this won’t work. I think we should pretend to get caught and have them take us to the wall. After all the correction centers are really close.” Mastermind pauses and cleans his glass, “We have to trick them into taking us there, by pretending to be on a rampage. Fire Fairy, we need you to go undercover as an enforcer.” She groaned and stomped her foot, “Why do I always have to go undercover? I wanted to set something on fire.” Mastermind slammed the notepad against the table, “Fire Fairy! Don’t you understand you can blend anywhere you are good for going undercover and in disguises. Even though your powers are pyrotechnical, you are an actress. You can pretend to be anyone, so don’t complain.” She crossed her arms and turned, “Fine but I get tried of doing things like this.” She turned into flames and streaked out of the room. Mastermind turned to Kari, “How good are you at acting?” Kari looked at him and she shrugged, “I’m not sure what you’re asking me.” they all looked at her, “Um, can you pretend to be angry or on a rampage?” she scratched her head and thought for a moment, “So you’re asking me to pretend to destroy the town with you, right?” They all nodded, “Well, to be honest, I don’t want the people of this city to know that I’m doing this. I mean, after all, everyone I know would be brought under investigation by the authority.” “Your bodysuit will take care of things like that, so let's go.” Mastermind grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the tunnel while Death and Gabriel followed. When they reached the surface, Gabriel sealed the passage to their underground hideout. “Alright Kari, I need you to be really convincing with your acting skills. It’s the only way they’ll believe that you guys are attacking.” Mastermind began to stretch, “Wait, aren’t you helping?” He looked at Kari, “Kind of, I’m a little kid, so I’ll run from you all, and you pretend. To-terrorize me and the city, so give me at least a ten-minute head start, so I can get to town.” He took off toward the city, for a ten-year-old child he runs pretty fast. She turned to look at Death and he was even stretching, “Wait, we’re chasing him?” They looked at her and nodded, “Kari, just focus, and you can do this. We just need to convince them to capture us, then we can escape.” She felt something cover her face and she reached to touch her face, and it was covered, “Why couldn’t Mastermind make us suits that have full face masks. They’ll instantly know who we are, but at least she won’t get discovered.” Gabriel sighed at Death’s comments, “Why? We don’t need stuff like that.” She tried to calm her nerves, but she couldn’t. As she stood there she tried to find the motivation to do this but every time she found the right feeling, an image of her friend would take her out of it. Then she thought to herself ‘I can’t be afraid, I have to do this. Time to take my life into my own hands...’ She calmed her nerves, but before she could think, an image of her parents flashed in her head and she felt her anger, flared. “Alright, let's go.” As he said that she felt herself laugh, before Death could grab her Gabriel grabbed her and he took off. His wings stirred up the air under them, but as he flew she watched as the ground below zoomed past. Something about being in the air called her, but fear still flooded into her at the thought of him dropping her. They slowly caught up with Mastermind and as they did, he looked up and began the hoax. “Help the Rebels. They are coming help me!” the people from the town began to panic and run. Gabriel landed and he put Kari on the ground and quickly whispered in her ear, “Remember we’re faking it. You just have to make it believable.” He charged toward the people, and they ran from him as he tossed a hover car with ease. She could hear the screams of the people, and she felt a tear run down her face, but then she saw the enforcer cars coming towards them and her body reacted. She instantly charged at the car, and she could faintly hear Gabriel tell her, don’t, but as the car got closer 'I hope this works.' she held her breath and passed through the car into the front seat. She kicked the passenger out of the car, and she punched the driver out of the car. She looked down at the suit to see if it stayed with her. She sighed with relief as the suit managed to faze through the car with her. She tested her luck again as she fazed through the back of the car, and she landed on the street. She turned to see a little boy standing behind her, and she turned to him, “Please don’t hurt me.” his voice was shaky, and she spoke with command in her voice, “Get out of here kid, and you won’t get hurt.” She dashed toward the next enforcer’s car that approached. And for a moment she couldn’t feel the street beneath her feet. She glanced down, and she saw she was gliding a few feet over the pavement. But she didn’t let that stop her. As she passed through the car she pulled the enforcers out of the car, and she threw them on the ground and knocked them out. She headed back to Gabriel, but as she was going she felt the air against her face and she noticed she was flying sort of. It wasn't graceful, and she was very unsteady. But Mastermind was right. She seemed to be able to fly. She tried to land in front of them, but she crashed into Death, and they tumbled to the ground. “I got to work on landing I guess.” She stood up, and she helped him up, “Yeah, work on that and nice job with the enforcers.” Death groaned as she helped him up. Mastermind walked over, his face back glued to a data pad as he typed furiously, “You all did well. They’re sending more enforcers as we speak, but now we need to make sure they capture us. Fire fairy has infiltrated their ranks, so when we get to the wall we can escape easily, so I think it’s time to break down some buildings. Gabriel, don’t make too big of a mess. That goes for you to Death,” Death grinned, and he whistled, and the shadows encased him. The shadows turned him into a monster, and he charged toward a building. When they collided, a thunderous sound filled the air. The building crumbled and Kari shuddered as the sounds only got louder as Gabriel joined in. The second building started to crumble and fall when the sounds of approaching enforcer sirens filled the city streets. The enforcers were on a fast approach. Before the cars surrounded them, Gabriel and death returned to protect Kari and Mastermind. “Now everyone, remember we need to get caught so don’t fight as hard.” Mastermind hid behind Gabriel and as the enforcers approached, Kari stood frozen, her heart pounding. She felt Death grab her hand, and he looked at her. "It's going to be OK." she nodded. The enforcers surrounded them. It took only a few minutes before the enforcers had them all in handcuffs and put them in the back of an Enforcer truck. This truck was different. The inside looked the same as the other, but the main difference was the moment the doors closed, Kari immediately felt drained. As she looked at the others, they seemed to be feeling the same way. "It's a power damping field. Stay calm..." Gabriel whispered to the group and they all nodded. When the truck pulled off, they all sat in silence for at least thirty minutes. They heard the truck start to slow until it stopped. The engine never cut, but the truck had definitely stopped. They all focused, and they faintly heard Fire Fairy’s voice, “What’s this coming to the wall?” the sound of the con echoed off the blank walls of the holding cell. “They are wanted fugitives, we’re taking them to the corrective centers.” that voice came from the front seat. “I see. I need to check, so open up the back.” the car turned off, and they heard the car doors open and close. Kari looked at Mastermind, and he nodded. "When the door opens we need to knock them out." Mastermind whispered. She took a deep breath, her heart beating a mile a minute. She heard the enforcers unlock the door. The moment the doors ceased to be sealed she felt her powers return. One Enforcer opened the door while the other was knocked out by Fire Fairy disguised as an enforcer. As the first enforcer heard the scuffle behind him, he reached for his weapon. Gabriel quickly charged him, knocking him to the ground before he could turn to fire at Fire Fairy. With a swift kick to the helmet from Fire Fairy, the tackled enforcer lay unconscious. “Alright Kari, Death put those suits on. Kari, go sit in the passenger seat.” Fire Fairy unlocked everyone's cuffs. Death hopped out of the truck, and he put the enforcer’s suit on. He climbed back into the back and Fire Fairy closed the back. “Kari, hurry put it on.” Kari nodded and put the enforcer’s uniform on and climbed into the passenger seat. Fire Fairy climbed into the driver’s seat, and she pulled off. Kari began familiarized herself with the control panel in the enforcers' truck. When a call appeared on the screen, her and Fire Fairy froze for a few seconds.
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