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One of the guys stepped forward, “What’s up? I’m Discharge second in command, and I'm also the tactics specialist. My ability is that I can absorb any form of energy or physical attack and dish it back out twice as strong. I'll be training you guys in tactics. Oh, and I’m from a city called Kavo. It's to the west of Concordia.” He had brown skin like Kari and his hair was black. It looked like he kept his hair shaved, and his eyes were whitish gray. He wore sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He was taller than Kari by one inch and he had a slender frame. Next a girl spoke up, “Hi, the name is Jinx, and I’m an information specialist. Meaning I’m the first to go into the city and I snoop around and collect data. My abilities are misdirection, and in some cases super lucky. I’ll teach you how to get information through various ways. And I’m from the city to the south called Sol.” She had short dark blue hair, her bangs covered one of her eyes and she had tan skin. She was thin but tall. Her eyes were honey gold and every so often they glowed bright as her excitement grew. “I’m GMS, or Gear Master Sparks. Weapons, crafting, and mechanics specialist. If you think it I can build it. I’m going to teach you guys how to build and take apart practically anything. Also, how to make things go boom! And I was born in this compound!” GMS bounced around as her strawberry blond braided ponytails bounced around with her. She was wearing a old dark blue jumpsuit that was stained with oil and dirt. There was a smudge of mud on her face. “I’m Devastation close combat officer. My abilities are super strength and I am indestructible. I’ll teach you hand-to-hand combat and by the time I’m done with you two, you’ll be stronger than the other trainees. I come from the same city as Jinx,” he was a very tall man with broad shoulders and a serious muscular build. He wore a white shirt and sweatpants. He had gloves on like he was lifting weights before this. He had dark brown eyes. Ragnarök bounced over to his team and he cleared his throat, “I’m Ragnarök, team leader and ability specialist. My abilities are simple. I turn into a fire creature and can control lava, smoke, fire, heat, and on special occasions I can make lightning. I’m going to help you two master your abilities.” Ragnarök looked at Kari, and he winked. She looked away as she blushed a little. She noticed they were all looking at both her and Blake. “Well, trainees, your turn. Introduce yourselves and powers.” Kari looked at the ground, and she began to twiddle her fingers, “My name is Kari, and I am a ghost.” Everyone nodded and Blake scratched his head, “Well, I’m Blake and a simple way to describe my ability is I’m a giant I guess.” The team looked at both of them and then Jinx spoke up, “Well, welcome to the team. Hope you guys like it.” the rest of the team congratulated Kari and Blake while Ragnarök and Devastation talked off to the side. Kari wanted to know, but she grounded herself in that spot where she stood. When she felt someone jump on her, “Yay! Kari we’re going to be best friends.” GMS hugged her and smiled, “Yeah I guess…” Kari felt her chest tighten, and she wiggled free from Gear’s grip, and she headed for the couch. Her feet seemed to carry her there without effort. “What’s wrong, you seem upset.” Both Jinx and Gears followed her to the couch, “It’s nothing. I’m just a little anxious..." she paused for a moment. She wasn't quite sure if she could confide in these people yet. "It just feels strange to do nothing.” Kari was about to sit when someone pulled her into their lap, and she jumped to her feet, “Don’t be so jumpy, it's just me.” Her face blushed with embarrassment, and she felt them begin to stare. She covered her face with her hands in an effort to hide when she heard the team speak in muffled tones.“Damn, where did she go?” "I don't know, but maybe you shouldn't harass your new recruits...." Jinx stared at Ragnarök as he stood up and walked around looking for Kari. All Kari could do was walk off toward the door on the left side of the room as a small disagreement began to brew. She walked through the door, and she followed the staircase up to the second floor. She walked down the hall till she found another door which led into a room. It was beautiful. The carpet was a soft cream and the walls were a nice cream as well. There was a bed and a window on the far wall. She walked over to it and looked out. The compound looked a lot bigger than she originally thought it was. There were buildings that seemed to stretch on and on. “Not what you expected?” Ragnarök stepped up behind her, she took a step away from him while looking at the scenery, "How did you?" he stepped up beside her, "When you go invisible, the air around you cools off dramatically. I followed the cool air." she peeked at him, and he seemed happy with himself, "To answer your first question.... I thought it would be different, but it feels like I haven’t left the city.” She turned to look at him, “I mean I’ve read books about how the world was supposed to look. But I haven’t seen anything like what I’ve read.” She looked up at him, his soft expression was kind and his gray eyes seemed to search hers. “You seem disappointed?” She turned to look out the window, “I am a little. This is not what I had in mind.” She crossed her arms, “Not everything is the same as what you read.” He tilted his head slightly and she felt her irritation flare, “Well it should.” She turned and pushed past him, “The world was supposed to be beautiful but its ruined. Perhaps I should have stayed in my city.” He grabbed her wrist, and he kept her from leaving. “Don’t be naïve. The world is ever-changing. Give it time and you’ll see. Training starts tomorrow, so go have fun and get to know the team.” He let her go, and she left the room and headed downstairs. Her chest tightened with disappointment as she walked past a window-like wall. She saw Devastation and Discharge in the workout room. They seemed to be talking while working out at the same time. They stopped to look at her and Discharge gestured for her to come in. She pushed the door open and walked in. “You seem like you got a lot on your mind?” she nodded, and they smiled warmly at her, “Would you like to start your training to take your mind off of things?” she shrugged and Devastation stood up from his seat. “Come on, I think we should start you out on the punching bag.” He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. He gently pushed her over to a long sand bag hanging from the ceiling. He grabbed her hands, and he placed wrist braces on her. “These will help you not hurt yourself.” He put some type of headgear on her, “and that will protect your head, so you don’t get hit.” Her face twisted with confusion, “What’s going to hit me?” he chuckled, “If you hit the bag too hard it may hit you as it swings back into place.” he went and stood behind the bag. “Go ahead whenever you’re ready.” She sighed, and she looked at the bag, ‘if it helps... let's give it a shot.' Devastation showed her how to throw a few punches before stepping back behind the bag. She slightly tapped the bag. " Again find your rhythm." she nodded and began to repeatedly punch the bag. It rocked back and forth softly with every punch. As she begins to get comfortable with her work out, she begins to fall into a trance as she moves with the punching bag. Everything began to fade from her view and the sandbag seemed to change and twist into a form. The noises in the room all but vanished and the bag became a figure that she could almost make out. Again she tapped it but this time a little harder, and the bag shifted to her father. Her chest tightened, and her face twisted with anger. A smile spread across his face, ‘how can he smile after everything he’s done.’ She began punching him harder and harder, as if to wipe the smile from his face. But the smile never vanished, it only seemed to spread wider and wider, and it opened its mouth, “You are worthless. You are weak. You mean nothing to me.” her eyes glowed bright blue, and she clenched her fist as she punched through the figure. She pulled away, and she watched as sand came pouring out of it. The figure dissipated and everything came back into view. Devastation stood off to the side while Discharge looked at her in confusion. She felt her face get hot, and she looked down at the ground as she began to twiddle her fingers.
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