Jacob The morning took a surprising turn, one that sent a jolt through my senses. I never expected my little vixen to orchestrate a pool party with her friends. It was clearly a spur-of-the-moment arrangement, judging by Mason's tardy arrival. He shot me a venomous glare as he brushed past me in the hallway. But his disdain was nothing new- I was used to being the object of their collective ire. Evelyn included. So, that was causal now. Nothing to worry about. I lingered on the balcony, sipping my coffee with feigned nonchalance, surveying her gathering from afar. Familiar faces mingled with unfamiliar ones- Mason, Nancy, and Jennie, they were the only familiar ones and the new ones? Well, I didn't quite like their vibe but I wasn't here to pass judgment on her circle. No, my sole