CHAPTER 67 Heartbeats and Bruises

1370 Words

  Evelyn   For a moment, my entire world ground to a halt. There was an odd sense of relief that coursed through my nerves as the guy's hand finally released its grip on me. Yet, the shock of seeing Jacob Adriano, right there before my eyes, was overwhelming. I just couldn't get over it.   Was he really here?   My eyes stretched wide with surprise, my mind struggling to process the sight. And then, for a fleeting second, my vision went blank, only to be filled with the crimson stain on Jacob's knuckles and the fresh trickle of blood streaming down the assailant's nose. Even in my inebriated state, it wasn't hard to piece together that Jacob had just thrown a punch, a moment I'd missed while I had zoned out.   Everything was just happening to fast or it just me and the intoxication of t

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