1092 Words

  Evelyn   "Finally you all got time to come," I said as Jennie, Nancy, and Mason entered my room, their hands filled with shopping bags.   These dorks will never change!   "Oh, come on, Evelyn," Jennie plopped down beside me on the bed, "It's not our fault your dad's wedding turned into a destination extravaganza. We had to finish our assignments early just to get our leave approved."   "Sure, blame it on me. It's not like any of you take your studies seriously," I retorted.   "Enough with the lecture," Nancy said, collapsing on the other side of the bed, "You're hardly one to talk. You spend all day daydreaming about your dad's hot Italian best friend." They all burst into laughter.   "Just spare me and drop the subject of that headache," I groaned.   "Wait, I see you've given him

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