9. Snow on the Northern Hills-2

2952 Words

Akbar still studied the book, his gaze darting over the pages. “It is hard to follow. The hand is difficult. And of course, I have no knowledge of necromancy. No one apart from Menhroth now does. But yes, I do believe they speak the truth.” “Then let us destroy it,” the warrior said. “Before we are caught by the King"s armies. At least we can keep it out of his claws.” He reached to take the book. “Wait,” said Dervil. “I ask you to wait.” “Oh, you do?” The warrior"s hand went to the pommel of his sword. Another turning point. They could all so easily have been killed here. “We may be able to make use of it,” said Dervil. Hellen found herself mouthing the words as she heard them again. She had thought them over long and hard since first hearing them with Borrn. “The necromancer"s magic

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