Chapter 6 - Our Dirty Little Secret

1865 Words
Over the next several days, Seth would pick me up at the stop sign down the road from my house. I told Momma that I was going for a walk so that it wouldn't raise suspicion. Once Seth brought me back to his place, we had s*x on every counter surface, piece of furniture, and against the wall twice over. It was hot, sticky, sweaty, and dirty, all wrapped up in one, and I enjoyed every minute of it! The more s*x we had, the more enjoyable it became, and I was beginning to grow more comfortable with my body and able to distinguish what was pleasurable and what wasn't. Despite seeing me in every unflattering position imaginable, Seth made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. He certainly had his way with me in more ways than one, and I couldn't have been happier. Seth encouraged me to explore new ideas and fantasies since I was very naive in the ways of s*x, so I looked to him to introduce to me all the "ins and outs."  Little did I know, he had plans for something outside of my comfort zone, "Hey, what do you say I claim that ass too?" he asked with an evil smirk spread across his face.  "Ummm....I...I..." I stutter as I back away from him playfully, but I'm a ball of nerves at the moment. Oh, my God! Does he really want to put it up there? Won't it hurt? He reaches out, grasping my wrists gently, attempting to comfort me, "Baby do you trust me?" he asks.  I feel as if my mouth is made up of cotton. I swallow hard, "Yes, of course, I trust you."  He pulls me into him while gazing down at me, "Listen to me, I want you to go and pick out a vibrator. I'd go with you, but we can't risk anyone seeing us together. I was hoping you could use it and get comfortable with it. Once you are comfortable, I want to try something on you."  I'm intrigued by his request. I bet a vibrator will be fun, no doubt. Even still, no matter what I do, I am unable to refuse this man. He's like the cheese to my macaroni, and he knows it.  He leans in to plant a gentle kiss upon my lips, "Enough of the heavy talk. Just think about it, honey. That's all I ask. I would never force you to do anything you don't want to do."  He glances at the clock on the wall behind me,  "We better get you back. Dylan will be headed over here soon to help me work on my bike." Even though my mind is bogged down with questions, I pick my clothes off the floor and begin to get dressed before checking my appearance in the mirror. He watches me intently as he quickly pulls his pants on. Once we are both dressed, we climb into his truck and take off down the road, where he drops me off at the stop sign before kissing me goodbye. I can hear the sound of his truck engine taking off in the other direction as I begin jogging towards the house.    After a few moments, I run up the steps to the front porch and barge inside; Momma is sitting at the kitchen table reading one of her romance novels as I trudge through the kitchen entrance. Panting, I stumble over to the refrigerator to pull out the bottled water; the glasses from the condiments clink together as I yank the door open. I'm burning up from running, and I desperately need something cold to drink. Momma clears her throat, eyes still glued to her book,  "How was your walk, Brie?" she asks.  I quickly twist the cap to the plastic bottle and take a giant swig of my ice-cold water before answering, "Oh, it was good, just hot!" I manage to choke out.  A smile crosses her face, but she doesn't utter a word; she continues reading. God, I hope she doesn't suspect anything. I attempt to shake off the unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach and finish up my water, then dispose of the bottle in the garbage before marching upstairs to take a shower. Once I reach the hall bathroom, I flip on the lever to the shower, allowing it to get hot enough while I strip off my clothes, kicking them off to the side on the cold porcelain tile floor before brushing my teeth. I gaze at myself in the mirror as I move the brush in a clockwise motion, causing the toothpaste to foam and spill out of the corners of my mouth. I wonder if anyone suspects what we are up to?  Why am I so worried about what other people think? I don't want to be the town gossip. That would suck! I pull my hair back with one hand, reach the other hand out under the steady stream of water from the faucet to fill my palm, and rinse my mouth out before stepping into the shower. Ahh... the water feels so good, cascading down around my body. I grab the loofah hanging on the shower lever and pour body wash on it, rolling it around in my palms until the suds form, and I begin to run it over my skin. As I make my way down to my p***y, I gently pat the outside with the loofah and lift my leg to allow the water to run down, rinsing the soap suds away.  I am so sore! This man is literally tearing me up in more ways than one. Hey, I'm not complaining! I finish up in the shower and wrap a towel around my hair and body before tiptoeing down the hall into my room. My phone vibrates after I set it down on top of my dresser. I check the caller ID to find it's from Mariah, "Hey, Colie." I answer.  "Hey, Brie. You wanna come over and hang out at Dylan's tonight?" She asks.  "Sounds good. What time?"  "How about 6:00 pm? Dylan should be back by then. I'll come and get you." She says.   "Okay. I'll be ready. I went for a walk and came back to shower; I just got out."  "That's fine. I'll be there shortly." I disconnect the call and rush to my closet to pick out a cute floral sundress with a pair of sandals. I blow dry my hair and pull it up into a loose french braid and add a touch of makeup before running downstairs. I plop down on the sofa to wait for Mariah while I look through Momma's magazine. After a while, I hear a car horn outside the door, so I jump up to peek out the window; it's Mariah in the Avenger. I grab my purse and house key and rush out the door, "Bye, Momma, I'm hanging out with Mariah and Dylan tonight! See you later!" I call out.  "Okay, baby, be careful. Love you!" She hollers from the kitchen.  "Love you too, Momma!" I respond before shutting the door behind me and dash down the porch steps before climbing into Mariah's car.  Mariah gazes over at me as she pulls out of the drive, "Brie, you look so cute. What's the occasion?" she asks curiously.  I pull down the sun visor to check my makeup in the mirror and blot my lips together, "No reason, Colie. I just wanted to look nice." I reply casually.  Apparently, that was enough explanation for her since she didn't bring it up again.  I flip the mirror up and glance over at her, "Hey, I have a question. Don't tell anyone, but I have to ask."  "Okay, what's up?" she asks as she turns the knob to scan the stations on the radio.  "Have you ever used a vibrator?"  She giggles while her eyes are still glued to the road, "No! Have you?" she asks.  "No, but I want to try it. There's this lady in town who sells s*x toys for some company. I was gonna go by her house and check out what she has for inventory."  She shrugs her shoulders and glances over at me, "I'll go with you. I'm down for some fun. I'm sure Dylan wouldn't mind it." She lifts her index finger to flip the turn signal on and pulls into the gas station's parking lot, "I gotta stop and get the boys some beer; you want anything, Brie?" she asks.  Shit! She said boys as in plural. I'm sure Seth is there as well. She never mentioned it, and neither did he. Oh lord, why am I so nervous? Thank God I got dressed up tonight. I gotta look good for my man, "Maybe just a pack of gum?" We climb out of the car and walk into the gas station's front entrance. She strolls towards the cooler to grab the beer and soda while I grab a pack of gum from the candy aisle. I meet her at the counter where she pays before we head out towards Dylan's house.  As we pull in the drive, my stomach is in knots. Just then, I catch a glimpse of Seth and Dylan in the garage as she parks the car. My heart skips a beat whenever I see him. I hope we can behave around Mariah and Dylan, "Oh, I forgot to mention, Seth is here also." she mentions casually. I chuckle and play it cool, "Whoa! Shocker!" Just then, the boys spot Mariah and me, motioning for us to come inside. Oh boy, here goes nothing. I grab the soda from the backseat to help Mariah carry the drinks and climb out of the car, walking towards the garage to meet our guys. Seth has his eyes glued to me as I enter, "Hey Seth." I call out, flashing him a cheeky grin.  He clears his throat, takes a swig of beer before answering, "Hey Brie." he responds.  I follow Mariah to the refrigerator to place the drinks inside while Dylan pulls out two lawn chairs for us. As I walk over and sit down, I can't help but eye Seth and how sexy he looks tonight. He's wearing a tight light grey t-shirt that displays his perfect washboard abs, tight jeans with work boots, and a ball cap. He looks like a shorter version of Dylan with darker hair and a darker complexion. I love it when he dresses like that. As I cross my legs and pull my dress down, I glance up and notice his eyes are fixated on me. Based on the look in his eyes, I'd almost bet he'd have his head between them if we were alone right now. God, this is torture!   Suddenly, I'm interrupted from my lustful fantasy as Dylan playfully pats my head, "Hey, little B! You beat Seth at darts; now it's my turn. Show me what ya got." I look to Seth immediately for some direction as I begin to panic. His eyes wide, mouth drew open slightly, he shakes his head. Well, I guess I'm on my own here; I swallow hard, "Game on, D!" I tell him as I get up and reluctantly follow him to the back of the garage. 
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