Chapter 7

628 Words
The next morning, Mike woke in Carrie’s bed to knocking on the front door. He got up and went to see who it was. A police officer said that he was there to rescue them when a friend of Carrie’s got worried about her safety when she didn’t report to work the day before and called the police to search. Happy to be rescued, Mike was a little disappointed. He hoped they would have a little more time together to figure out what was happening between them. The mouse scare that Carrie suffered weighed heavily on Mike. He was glad that it gave them the moment to be together, even though it didn’t lead to romance…it did create a bond between them…one Mike hoped to develop further. But Carrie had other plans when she came out to find that they had been rescued. The only thing on her mind was getting out of this cabin and getting back to work. Mike was hurt that Carrie seemed to disregard the moments between them during the last few days. As the police officer was escorting Carrie and Mike to the squad car, Carrie was happy she was getting back to work, but Mike wasn’t. He wanted some more time with Carrie. But it looked as if things were over between them. So Mike decided he would just go back to work and put everything in his job. Everyone at the office welcomed Carrie back, especially her friend, Terrie, who had given Carrie permission to use her cabin for a quick getaway. Terrie had no idea that her husband, Jim had already lent his friend, Mike, the use of the cabin as well. “Carrie, I’m so glad you’re back, safe and sound!” Terrie gave Carrie her sympathy with a hug. “That’s okay.” Carrie told her friend. “And I’m so sorry for Mike being at the cabin too. I had no idea that Jim had also gave him permission to be there.” Terrie apologized. “You don’t have to apologize.” Carrie told her. “Things happen.” “So how did things go at the cabin, considering the situation?” Carrie was so happy to be back after the long weekend, she told Terrie everything that happened…how she thought Mike was at first a selfish person who only cared about football with his buddies. Then she went into how things changed after he got worried after she took off for a walk and got lost, finding herself in some abandoned shack and Mike came looking for her. Carrie told Terrie how things changed between her and Mike after that moment. The wonderful dinner of fish tacos he made for her that led to a spark between them. Even the scare she had when she saw the mouse scurry across her bedroom floor. Mike was so tender with her. And although she thought Mike would take advantage of that moment, he was tender as they cuddled in bed until they both fell asleep. Then, Carrie told Terrie the most shocking thing of all. That all though she was glad to be out of that cabin and back at work, she wished that she had more time with Mike. Carrie revealed that being rescued may have ruined their chance to be together, as Mike seemed to have no interest when they were rescued. But that was far from what Mike intended. Little did Carrie know, but Mike assumed that Carrie wanted nothing to do with him once they were rescued and backed off. He decided it was best to just get back into work since that’s what he assumed that Carrie was doing. Carrie and Mike each went home alone, but with their thoughts on each other.
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