
1001 Words
**Title: A Child’s Plea** **Setting:** The living room is dimly lit in the late afternoon. Richard sits on the couch, his hands running through his hair as he stares out the window, deep in thought after the argument with Grace. Veronica, feeling brave, walks in, clutching Mr. Hops tightly. She takes a moment to gather her courage before approaching her father. --- **Veronica:** (softly) “Daddy?” **(Richard turns, surprised to see his daughter standing there. His expression softens.)** **Richard:** “Hey, sweetheart. What’s up?” **(He gestures for her to come closer, and she hesitates for a moment before walking over and sitting next to him.)** **Veronica:** (hesitantly) “Can we… can we talk?” **Richard:** (nodding) “Of course, honey. What’s on your mind?” **(Veronica takes a deep breath, glancing at the floor before meeting her father’s eyes.)** **Veronica:** “I heard you and Mommy yelling… it made me scared.” **(Richard’s expression shifts, guilt washing over him.)** **Richard:** “Oh, sweetheart. I’m sorry you had to hear that.” **Veronica:** “Why were you fighting? It’s never fun when you two don’t get along.” **(Richard sighs, rubbing his temples.)** **Richard:** “Sometimes adults have disagreements. It doesn’t mean I love your mother any less.” **Veronica:** (frowning) “But it feels really bad. I don’t want you to fight. I want us to be happy… like we used to be.” **(Richard looks at her, surprised by her insight and understanding. He reaches out to stroke her hair gently.)** **Richard:** “I know, sweetheart. We all want that. It’s just… sometimes there are things we don’t see eye to eye on.” **Veronica:** “But Daddy, it makes my heart feel heavy when you argue. I don’t want you to be upset with each other. Can’t you just… talk it out nicely?” **(Richard blinks, taken aback by his daughter’s wisdom.)** **Richard:** “You’re right, Veronica. We should communicate better. But sometimes, I get frustrated, and I don’t handle it the right way.” **Veronica:** (nodding vigorously) “Mommy says it’s important to be nice and listen to each other. Even when we’re mad.” **(Richard breaks into a small smile, touched by her innocence and clarity.)** **Richard:** “She’s very wise, your mom. I guess I forget that sometimes. We need to be better at listening to each other and expressing how we feel without yelling.” **Veronica:** “Can you promise me you won’t fight anymore? I want you both to be happy again. It makes me feel safe.” **(Richard’s heart swells as he gazes into his daughter’s earnest eyes. He can see how much the tension affects her.)** **Richard:** “I can promise you we’ll try, Veronica. I’ll talk to your mom, and we’ll work on it together. I just want you to be happy.” **Veronica:** “Thank you, Daddy. I love you so much. I’m really sorry if I did something wrong at the party. I just wanted to have fun.” **(Richard pulls her into a gentle hug, feeling the warmth of her small frame against him.)** **Richard:** “You didn’t do anything wrong, my little sunshine. You had every right to enjoy the party. Sometimes grown-ups forget that we all need to enjoy things. And I promise I’ll talk to your mom about that too.” **Veronica:** “Okay! And can we all play a game together later? That always makes us happy.” **(Richard chuckles, sensing his daughter’s hopeful spirit.)** **Richard:** “Absolutely! How about a game of Uno? I’ll even let you pick the colors!” **Veronica:** (giggling) “Yes! I love that game! But you better be ready—I’m really good at it!” **(Richard laughs more genuinely now, the weight of earlier tensions lifting slightly.)** **Richard:** “I’ll admit defeat now, just in case!” **(They share a warm moment of laughter, the bond between father and daughter growing stronger as they talk.)** **Veronica:** “Daddy, do you think you can tell Mommy what I said? I want her to know I love her too.” **(Richard’s heart swells with pride at his daughter’s compassion.)** **Richard:** “Of course, I will. You’re so brave to speak up like this; I’m really proud of you, Veronica.” **Veronica:** (smiling brightly) “Thank you! And I’m proud of you too, Daddy! You’re the best!” **(Richard wipes a mock tear from his eye, his heart full.)** **Richard:** “Well, we’ve both got a lot to be proud of. You really helped me see things clearer today. I’ll talk to your mom and make sure she hears your words.” **(Veronica nods firmly, her expression serious yet bright.)** **Veronica:** “Thank you for listening to me. I’ll always try to help you guys when things get hard because I want us to be happy again.” **(Richard looks at her, feeling a mix of love and admiration.)** **Richard:** “You’re going to be a great problem solver when you grow up, Veronica. Thank you for being so understanding. I promise you and your mom mean the world to me.” **(Veronica beams at him, her heart full, feeling reassured that she made a difference.)** **Veronica:** “I’m going to go tell Mr. Hops about our game! And Daddy?” **Richard:** “Yes, sweetheart?” **Veronica:** “I love you.” **Richard:** “I love you too, Veronica. Always.” --- **(As Veronica skips away with Mr. Hops, Richard feels a renewed sense of resolve. He knows he needs to mend things with Grace, not just for himself but for the precious bond of their family.)** --- **Author's Note:** Thank you for diving into this heartfelt scene between Veronica and Richard. Children often possess an incredible wisdom that can guide us adults in challenging times. Veronica’s brave plea represents the power of love and communication within families. Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome as we continue to unravel their journey together! Warm regards, Sherene Opal Dvids
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