
910 Words
**Setting:** Veronica's bedroom, filled with toys and colorful decorations. She sits on her bed, surrounded by stuffed animals, talking softly to herself as she tries to make sense of her feelings after the party. --- **Veronica:** (sighing) “Okay, Veronica, let’s think this through. You wanted to join the games because they looked super fun, right?” **(She picks up her favorite stuffed bear and holds it close.)** **Veronica:** “But Daddy got upset. Why was he mad? I didn’t mean to make him angry. I just wanted to play with everyone. I didn’t even care about the money!” **(She places the bear down and reaches for a toy car, rolling it back and forth.)** **Veronica:** “Maybe it was because the tables were for grown-ups? But I’m a big girl! I can play games too. Mommy always says I can do anything I set my mind to.” **(She pauses, deep in thought, then speaks again.)** **Veronica:** “Maybe Daddy was worried because he loves me. He always tells me that. He just wants to keep me safe. But... it didn’t feel good when he raised his voice. I don’t like it when he’s upset.” **(She looks at her reflection in a small mirror on the dresser.)** **Veronica:** “I just wanted to have fun, like everyone else. It’s hard to understand why they sometimes say no. I didn’t mean to make Mommy sad either. I saw her face... she looked worried.” **(She hugs the toy car tightly, and her brow furrows in confusion.)** **Veronica:** “So if they were worried, does that mean I did something wrong? But I wasn’t trying to be bad. I just wanted to be included. It’s so confusing!” **(She takes a deep breath, trying to sort through her emotions.)** **Veronica:** “Okay, maybe I can tell them I understand why they were upset. I can promise to remember that some things are just for grown-ups. But… does that mean I can’t have fun sometimes?” **(She glances at her stuffed bear, seeking comfort.)** **Veronica:** “I guess I can have fun in different ways. Next time, I can ask them if I could play something else with them instead. They both love me so much; they just want me to be happy.” **(With renewed determination, she smiles at her reflection.)** **Veronica:** “That's it! I can talk to them. I can let them know I understand and that I’ll be a good girl! I just want to play and be part of the family fun. They’ll be proud of me for being brave!” **(Feeling more at ease, she cuddles her stuffed bear tightly and lays down, ready to rest, knowing she’ll find a way to express her feelings to her parents.)** --- **(The scene fades out as Veronica's quiet resolution fills her room with a sense of hope and understanding.)** **Setting:** Veronica's bedroom, moments after her self-reflection. She feels a sense of clarity about her feelings and is ready to talk to her parents. She takes a deep breath and walks downstairs to find Richard and Grace in the living room. --- **(Veronica enters the living room, where Richard is sitting on the couch, looking at his phone, and Grace is tidying up the coffee table.)** **Veronica:** (clearing her throat) “Mommy, Daddy, can I talk to you for a minute?” **(Richard looks up, surprised, and Grace turns her attention to Veronica, smiling encouragingly.)** **Grace:** “Of course, sweetheart! What’s on your mind?” **Richard:** (putting his phone down) “Yeah, honey, what’s up?” **Veronica:** (taking a deep breath) “I’ve been thinking about what happened at the party. I didn’t mean to make you both upset. I just wanted to have fun with everyone.” **(Grace kneels down to Veronica’s level, her expression softening.)** **Grace:** “I know, sweetie. We understand that. It’s okay to want to join in.” **Veronica:** (nodding) “But I get it now. Daddy was worried because he loves me, and I shouldn’t have tried to play the grown-up games. I promise I’ll ask next time if I can join in on something.” **Richard:** (smiling, feeling relieved) “That’s really mature of you, Veronica. We just want to make sure you’re safe and happy.” **Veronica:** “I know! And I don’t want to make you sad. I just want to be part of the fun, like a big girl.” **Grace:** (hugging Veronica tightly) “You are a big girl! And there are so many fun things we can do together that are just right for you.” **Richard:** “How about we plan a family game night? We can play your favorite games, and I promise to be more involved.” **Veronica:** (eyes lighting up) “Really? That sounds awesome! Can we play the one with the colors and the little pieces?” **Grace:** “Absolutely! We can make it a special night with snacks and everything.” **Veronica:** (grinning) “Yay! I can’t wait!” **(As they share a moment of joy, the earlier tension begins to dissolve, replaced by a sense of unity and understanding.)** **Richard:** “Thank you for talking to us, Veronica. It means a lot.” **Veronica:** “I love you both!” **Grace:** “We love you too, sweetheart.” **(The scene ends with the family embracing, ready to move forward together, reinforcing their bond and commitment to open communication.)**
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