Chapter One-1

372 Words
Chapter One Their planet had no name, but they were about to fix that. Cariad sat on the stadium bench, a little bored, waiting for the Leader to get to the point. The votes had been cast. All the woman needed to do was make the announcement of the most popular choice, then the job would be done and everyone could party. But like the natural politician she was, the Leader wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity to speechify. The colonists had been using the dry scientific designation or calling the planet their “new home” for long enough. It was time to finally settle the question of its name and get on with the colonization. Cariad stifled a yawn, conscious that, sitting in the box with the Leader, she was under everyone’s gaze. Ethan caught her eye and winked at her. He had to be finding the experience as tedious as she did. The other members of the audience were tiring of the Leader’s drawn-out address too. The assembled Gens and Woken were restless and a low chatter had started up. Even the few Guardians present, stiff in their uniforms, appeared to be struggling to maintain their attention. At last! The Leader was winding down her speech. She was consulting the interface in her podium. She placed a fingertip on the screen. “I am pleased to announce the winning name is—” A massive explosion roared. Cariad was flung from her seat and through the air. She landed heavily, striking her head against something hard. Debris rained down, trapping her. She heard a crunch that sounded terrifyingly like a bone breaking. As Cariad lay in the darkness, she found that she couldn’t move. Her ears were ringing. Dizzy and faint, she pushed against the wreckage that held her down, but it was too heavy for her to lift. And one of her arms didn’t seem to be working. She was losing consciousness. Cariad fought to remain awake. She had to get out. She mustn’t pass out. She mustn’t. She hadn’t come all that way and broken the hearts of everyone who loved her just to die within weeks of Arrival. Her confused mind drifted over the events of the day, trying to make sense of what had happened. ***
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