Chapter 2

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I noticed my parents and Aria emerging from the house as the black sedan pulled into the driveway. My excitement grew at the thought of my brother finally returning home. Maybe, just maybe, Valen would help me avoid this dreadful ball. He was the only one who truly understood my aversion to the idea of finding a mate. The thought brought a mix of happiness and unease, making my wolf, Rose, growl softly within me. Rose always had my best interests at heart, even when we didn't always agree. She believed that finding a mate could change my life for the better, and while I understood her point, I couldn't shake the feeling that it would only strip away the parts of me I had carefully preserved. The idea of being reduced to someone’s plaything or merely a vessel for children filled me with dread. "You alright, Katarina?" Gideon asked, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, his expression full of concern. "Yeah, just a bit chilly," I replied, keeping my eyes fixed on the sedan. After what felt like an eternity, the car door finally opened, and my brother stepped out. The moment our eyes met, we both broke into wide grins. As Valen approached, I noticed how much he had changed. He looked stronger, more muscular, and his once lean frame now exuded the power of a true Beta. Ignoring the rest of the family for a moment, Valen scooped me into a tight hug, lifting me off the ground. His familiar woodsy scent instantly calmed me, as it always did. "Still holding strong, huh?" he teased, setting me back on the ground. "Always," I smirked, though I knew Valen could see the truth in my eyes. He always could. A knowing smile played on his lips, and I fought the urge to spill all my worries to him right then and there. A low growl suddenly broke the moment, causing me to step back in surprise. A striking brunette emerged from the sedan, her face a mix of shock and jealousy. I quickly reminded myself that new mates could be easily provoked. It wasn’t her fault, after all. "Relax, Astrid, she's my sister!" Valen called out, and the brunette’s face flushed with embarrassment as she approached us. She was beautiful, with deep brown eyes and a sprinkle of freckles that added to her charm. Despite her athletic build and height, she was still much shorter than Valen. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me," she apologized, her chocolate eyes meeting mine. "It's all good. I'm Katarina," I replied, wanting to move past the awkwardness. Before I could say more, Aria stepped forward, giving Astrid a pointed look before throwing herself at Valen in an overly enthusiastic hug. Typical Aria, always making everything about herself. Despite my disdain for the idea of having a mate, I cared about Valen's happiness. If Astrid made him happy, then she was already part of the family in my eyes. While Valen caught up with the rest of the family, I made my way over to Astrid. Raven and Gideon joined me after greeting Valen as well. "Welcome to the family," I smiled warmly at Astrid, surprised to see her smile genuinely in return. "Thank you. Valen’s talked about you a lot; I can tell you mean a lot to him," she said, her voice full of relief. Her words made me smile even wider, knowing that no matter what, I would always have Valen—and now Astrid too. "See? Having a mate isn't so bad," Rose said smugly in my mind. "It doesn’t mean I want one," I retorted, rolling my eyes mentally as Rose huffed in frustration. "Do you think the rest of your family will be as welcoming?" Astrid asked quietly, glancing nervously at the others. I watched as my father clapped Valen on the back, his face glowing with pride at the thought of future grandpups. "That depends on how submissive you are," Raven quipped, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "I’ve heard this pack is big on submission to your mate, but in my pack, we’re more equal," Astrid said, looking genuinely confused. Her words surprised me; I had never thought about how different packs might treat their mates. "Don't let them boss you around," I stated firmly, my mouth set in a thin line. "Sometimes men need a good dose of reality," Raven laughed, giving Gideon a pointed look, to which he raised his hands in mock surrender. "Oh, definitely not," Astrid replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes that made me like her even more. "I think we’re going to get along just fine," I laughed along with Raven. After a while, my parents and Aria began to head inside, calling Valen and Astrid to join them for lunch. I seized the moment to speak to Valen about my desperate plan to escape the upcoming Moon Ball. "Valen, can I talk to you before you go in?" I asked, my voice tinged with anxiety. "What's wrong?" Valen frowned, wrapping an arm around Astrid's waist. I kept my focus on him, trying to keep my emotions in check. "Aria told Mom I’d try to skip the Moon Ball, and now she’s dead set on making sure I go. Can you help me out? You know how I feel about all of this," I pleaded, my voice trembling slightly. Valen’s eyes clouded with thought as he considered my words. "Katarina..." Valen began, his brows furrowed in concentration. I could tell he was weighing his options carefully. "Could I speak to Katarina alone for a moment?" he asked, glancing at Raven and Gideon. "Sure, we’ll wait in the car," Raven said, though I could see the confusion on her face. "Do you mind if Astrid stays?" Valen asked gently, and I could tell he was trying to be considerate. "...She can stay," I nodded, instantly regretting my decision. "Where to begin..." Valen sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair, a habit he’d picked up from our father whenever he was stressed. I bit my lip nervously, bracing myself for what he was about to say. "Katarina, I think finding a mate could help you," Valen said softly, his voice filled with concern. His words hit me like a blow, and I turned away, not wanting Astrid to see the tears welling up in my eyes. "Valen, it wouldn’t. I can't give a mate what they want," I whispered, wrapping my arms around myself protectively. "You might be surprised, Katarina. Not everyone is like Mom and Dad. Your mate is meant to love, help, and heal you. It could fix what's been broken inside you for so long," Valen’s words were gentle, but they didn’t lessen the sting. Why did everything always come back to finding a mate? It felt like my desires didn’t matter, that my only purpose was to find a mate. "You're wrong," I choked out, turning away as tears finally spilled over. "Tell Mom I went shopping with Raven." Without waiting for a response, I turned and walked down the street, willing myself not to cry. After a few deep breaths and a small pep talk, I made my way to Raven's car, plastering a fake smile on my face as I slid into the passenger seat. "So... is he going to help you?" Raven asked, her disappointment evident. "No, he thinks finding a mate will be good for me. I disagree, but whatever. I'll just try to make the best of it, and if I find a way to escape, I will," I shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant, though inside, I was anything but. "Guess that means I'm going too, then," Gideon added with a small smile, though something in his eyes seemed off. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. "Dress shopping it is!" Raven cheered, starting the car and speeding off down the road.
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