31- 2.

3776 Words

“It happened during an attack a little over a year ago. It was the last time we shifted. While chasing some rogue vampires that were feeding on humans and killing them, one of them bit Amadi. We all know how dangerous the vampire venom is to us Lycans, and so, for days, Amadi was unconscious. Things were already hard at that time, the curse of the banishment already draining the better part of our powers. By the time Tabitha helped bring him back, his front legs wouldn't move. We had to quickly shift back because of the fear of the curse festering while we waited. It was a miracle that I came out of it fine, but I later found out that Amadi blocked every connection between us during that time, hence why the effect was worse since he took on the pain alone.” “So besides being banished and

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