Chapter 6 You want me, aren’t you?

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DAY TWO “I am not feeling well” Rose whispered as soon she opened her eyes. Her legs were trembling and her hands too. Is not some kind of exhaustion, but it is a sweet weakness that she never felt before, feeling her body very satisfied. “I feel good,” Angel said, laughing at her. “I don’t even know how I feel, '' Rose giggled under her sheets. “But my body is so relaxed that I am wondering if I will be able to walk out of this bed. What the hell is happening with me?” And she lifted the sheets only to see that she was dressed. She is wearing one of her extra large shirts that she used like some comfy PJs. She wasn’t dressed last night. “How the f**k did I get dressed?” she asks and starts to drag herself out of the bed, but she simply can’t and she starts to sulk. “I am too weak. This is not normal!” but right when she was ready to curse herself for being in this state the door opened and Mike pokes his head out of the doorway. “Hey, stranger!” he said smiling at her, but Rose blocked as she saw him in front of her. He is damned handsome and is one of the most handsome Alpha in the world and I say one because the other two are his brothers and are identical. Everyone knows them and envies them, wondering how it is to be so blessed. They are somewhere around 6.3 ft tall and have a perfect body. They have an athletic look that makes the humans they meet think that they are some athletes or something like this, because a normal person will never look so good no matter how much training. But they are not humans, are they? They are werewolves and train at least two hours per day, especially to increase their power. Each of the three has brown hair, not too short hairstyle , falling a little on their forehead, thick, dark eyebrows, nice big blue eyes, a straight nose, well-shaped lips and the lightest of skin - they are very model of the stern and handsome men. I could say that they look a lot like Henry Cavil but that is just my impression. And Rose too, because she blinks a few times and when she composed herself she whispers. “Good morning, Mike” “It’s already noon” he says coming in the room but right when Rose thought that he will close the door behind him she hears him yelling: “Henry, come here! She is awake!” He lets the door opened and coming closer to Rose he bends over her, while she is still in the bed, on the edge of the bed more precisely and caressing her cheek with his fingers he tells her: “You look better today. When Henry found you I thought that you were wounded, you looked like crap yesterday, but now it seems that you wolf helped you to heal.” “Yes” Rose whispered looking in his blues eyes. “I am better” but she knows that she is still weak, and for goddess sake, she didn’t even find the power to get out of her bed.! “I will go and search for Jesse” Mike said and he lifted her chin with his fingers and looked at her . “Wait for us here. Don’t force yourself!” and he winked at her, making her look at him as if he suddenly got two more heads on his shoulders. “Go and find him!” Henry said. “I will go” and placing his hand on the doorknob and after that Mike said : “Just stay with her and look for her. She must be tired, don’t let her alone, Henry” “I am not two, Mike. I know how to take care of a woman!” Henry said laughing but hearing him Rose’ heart stopped. “What the hell is happening with these two?” she asked Angel. “They must play some stupid game with us or they are mocking us.” Angel said and she was pissed off. Seeing that she is alone with Henry, the memories from last night started to come one by one. “Holy f*****g s**t, Angel!” Rose said with a weak voice. “Last night he saw us showering.” and she is completely red trying to hide her face from him because she feels shy about what happened. The scoundrel of Henry realized that she is not feeling comfortable being alone with him, but he doesn’t give her any chance to run away from him. He waited a lot for her to wake up, and now he wants her closer. Last night has been enlightening, to say the least. He came face to face with his inner thoughts, and Mike too, and even Jesse, even if he says that is nothing about love, but only some damned hormones, even Jesse wants to start to share her as their girlfriend. There are still a lot of questions, especially why she is still a virgin when she was married more than a whole year, but time will solve everything. Right now, he wants to have her close to him. But no matter how much Henry or his brothers want that, Rose has a little and she is running' into the ground because of the shame she feels. They grew up together, they were supposed to be friends but they changed after she married her Alpha, and their relationship has turned awkward, and after last night's scene she is in deep deep s**t. Henry saw her naked, and the other two saw her wounds. “Henry, “ she said looking to the window, just to avoid looking at him “It is noon already” “So what?” Henry said coming closer to her “No one is forcing you to leave this room. Just stay here and rest” “That’s the problem. I can’t” she said and took a deep breath in to find the power to get up. “Where the hell do you want to go?” suddenly Henry asked, seeing her that she wants to leave. “I need to find my dad, Henry. I need to talk with him and explain what happened yesterday, and a lot of other things.” “Name those things!” Henry said, squeezing his eyes at her. “I need to train, Henry, to tell him that will be involved in this activity.” “But you don’t need to do that, you are still injured and there is no need to force yourself.” and Henry wants to tie her on her bed to make her stay in that room. “No!” she said, a little bit pissed off. “I need to train daily because I want to become a strong fighter in this pack!” and saying that she gets up, completely unprepared. But what to see. Her legs give up, and she has no idea why. She is far from knowing how many orgasms she had last night or that her legs trembled all night. She flung herself in Henry's arms and he catches her and holds her in bridal style. It just happened that the second she touched him she felt that her heart stopped. “Holy s**t!” Angel said. “ His arms are strong!” But Henry , maybe he is the sweetest of the three but he is also a scoundrel, just as his brother, and seeing her so nervous. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were looking for?” Henry asked and started to laugh, shocking her. “What I was looking for?” and she already knows that he will mock her. She knows him too well. But Henry knows her too, and he knows that she will break his balls, so he holds her tight. “ You should have told me that you wanted to jump directly in my arms. Throwing yourself in my arms like this ..Goddess…but you are in a rush! You want me, aren’t you?”
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