Chapter 14 Desperate to have us

1273 Words

“Jesse, stop!” Henry growled seeing Jesse’s outburst but Jesse is lost Henry just calls him again, this time making him stop from the reverie state in which he is. He can’t judge Jesse for wanting to bite Rose’s mark, but he would only hurt her. They didn’t shift yet so this mark would mean nothing, but it will injure Rose. Henry knows too well how much he wants to mark Rose as well , so he just tried to stop Jesse for other reasons, not for not wanting her just for themselves. But for Jesse it was enough. And looking in Henry's eyes as he continued to rub himself on Rose’s p***y, he just kissed her neck, giving her a wave of pleasure as he did that. “I am going to c*m!” Rose whispered not being able to resist while the triplets were touching her everywhere, and saying that she started

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