The Beach

1084 Words

ADELE’s POV “Amelia! What do you mean there is another car after us?” “Adele, I am serious! Wait, don't you have the guard's number?” “No! The f**k! Of course, I don't! I don't even know their names” “OK, you know what? Just stop driving then! Let us slow down, and wait for the guards! I am sure once we slow down they will also slow down” “Yeah, that is right!” I immediately slowed down, and so did the guard, they probably didn't realize that another car was behind us, but something strange happened. When we slowed down the car drove to mine, brought the glass down, and it was a lady! We were being paranoid for nothing! She was a pretty young lady with plump lips and a low cut. “Hello! I have been driving behind you for a while, I see you finally noticed!” She had a full Italian

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